Beau Schwabe
Active Member
I am using MPLAB X IDE (V4.01) on a Linux system and a PicKit 3, and all is good with 4 of the 6 I/O's on the PIC16LF15313 but I can't seem to properly configure PA3 and PA5 as outputs. PA0, PA1, PA2, and PA4 all test ok. Any clues would be helpful as there doesn't seem to be much in the way of example code for this micro that I have been able to find.
Here is a code snip that will configure PA4 as an output and wiggle the pin at about 167kHz ... Thanks again for any help !!
I am using MPLAB X IDE (V4.01) on a Linux system and a PicKit 3, and all is good with 4 of the 6 I/O's on the PIC16LF15313 but I can't seem to properly configure PA3 and PA5 as outputs. PA0, PA1, PA2, and PA4 all test ok. Any clues would be helpful as there doesn't seem to be much in the way of example code for this micro that I have been able to find.
Here is a code snip that will configure PA4 as an output and wiggle the pin at about 167kHz ... Thanks again for any help !!
#include ""
org 0
goto Init
org 100
movlw b'00000000'
movwf ANSELA
movlw b'00000000'
movwf ODCONA
movlw b'00000000'
movwf LATA
movlw b'00000000'
movwf TRISA
bsf PORTA,4 ;0,1,2,4 Works for these but I also need 3 and 5
bcf PORTA,4
goto Main
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