I have a 433 MHz receiver that I know nothing about.
Here's a couple of pictures of it,
The black wire on the right is an aerial.
The 3 pins on the left are power and signal.
The top pin on the component side (lower picture) seems to have Vcc written next to it.
However, the other two pins have nothing.
On the bottom of the board there are two connections labeled SCLK and GND. The first could be Serial Clock but with only 3 pins I can't see how I²C could be a possibility. The second could tell me where ground is on the connection.
Does anyone recognise this board?
I can probably work out which pin is Ground but still have no idea what voltage it needs!
Any help greatly appreciated.
Here's a couple of pictures of it,
The black wire on the right is an aerial.
The 3 pins on the left are power and signal.
The top pin on the component side (lower picture) seems to have Vcc written next to it.
However, the other two pins have nothing.
On the bottom of the board there are two connections labeled SCLK and GND. The first could be Serial Clock but with only 3 pins I can't see how I²C could be a possibility. The second could tell me where ground is on the connection.
Does anyone recognise this board?
I can probably work out which pin is Ground but still have no idea what voltage it needs!
Any help greatly appreciated.