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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

About telephone interface to microcontroller 8051

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About telephone control project, i want to dial to a simple domestic telephone in order to control device on/off by 8052.

i check that there are some chip set about dtmf. But don't know how to use.
And also, any reference?
Ah, hah! The standard dtmf receiver interface chip is the MT8870. Google that for all the info you need. I found that the MT8888C by Zarlink incorporates a dtmf transmitter and an intel micro interface (including the 8051/2) onboard the IC. Under $3, too.

Here's a link for the Zarlink MT8888C data sheet-
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And the application note for interfacing to common micros-
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Just spotted a post by Tomi Engdahl with some links to circuits that interface the 8051 to the telephone for home control.

You might be very interested in the section "Remote controlling using telephone" in this link.

If those more experienced than me with this type of circuit don't jump into this thread, you probably will find all the help you need in any of the 8051 micro forums.
i want a circuit idea about how i can interface telephone line to 89c51....
i actually requires a caller id. and which in turn connected to lcd display and to pc to monitor the calls..... the circuit also have an autoteller facility..
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