Hi! I'm a student of Electric Engineering and I got a problem on a Electronic project. I have to make an 8-bit shift register with serial input and serial output. The basics of the project is that it has to have two push buttons: one will be a logic 1 and the other a logic 0. The shift register has to somehow show the 'move' of the register to see that it works, so I planned on using 8 LEDs that will work like this: when I press button 1, it has to turn on a LED and when I press 0, the LED has to turn off. If I make a secuence, for example, 01100101, being the first 0 the last bit I pressed and the last 1 the first bit, the LED configuration shall be the same: Off - On - On - Off - Off - On - Off - On. The hard or difficult part of the project is that I'm not allowed to use any type of IC nor Digital Electronic, just transistors and pasive components. I attach my previous design, there can be seen the configuration of the two pulses and two masters slaves but the connection of the rest of the masters slaves was the same, it didn't work as I thought it will be, LEDs automatically turn on (except the first one) when I start simulating or when I connect the circuit in protoboard. I was trying to use a Master-Slave configuration to make it work, the clock and input D I assumed that should be separated, that's why I put a relay to separate them. The logic 1 I made it by energizing input and clock with the same pulse, while the logic 0 I made it by just enegizing the clock. I was using 2N2222A transistors in that task in NAND and NOT configurations. If you could help me or give some ideas I would really appreciate. Thank you!