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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

18 VAC Motor Control

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New Member
I would greatly appreciate someone to help me out with this design. What I am doing is controlling a Lionel train with a simple triac/diac (actually a Quadrac) type control for a fan motor at 120 VAC. I can wire the control on the primary side of my 120 VAC to 18 VAC transformer and it works fine to control the train. My problem is I don't want it on the primary side I want it on the secondary 18 VAC side. I can run multiple trains from this transformer individual controllers for each train. The breakover voltage of the diac is too high for this lower voltage. I must start from scratch with the control and don't know if I need zero crossing detection or not or if I will need a opto-isolator or not. In my small mind this shouldn't take much of a circuit but my background isn't electronics (have alittle knowledge), it's in control wiring. Could someone post a schematic or two on how to accomplish this control. I have attached a schematic of the fan controller mentioned above. This is the type circuit I am looking for, the internal diac breakover voltage is min. 33 volts. Maybe this controller can be modified to work on the secondary low voltage side. Thank you.

BTW: Train is in fact AC powered at 5 amps max.


  • Fan Controller.pdf
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You might try a standard light dimmer that uses just an SCR with no Diac. They should work down to a lower voltage.
Most light dimmers are mainly for resistive loads not inductive. Would have to add snubber, might as well build something. I just lack the knowledge to modify what I already have.
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