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12V variable amp output project

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New Member
Hi, i'm a newbie with electronics so please excuse me if you think i'm asking about a rather "easy" project for you guys.

I want to make a control box for my cpu casing fans so i can give them extra juice (and get extra noise) for when i'm using the pc for extended hours. I could have just ordered some of the products available in overclocker websites, but they are expensive, besides i live in south east asia.

Can anyone please give me schematic diagram, and exact parts needed for this project. I want to get power from the pc's molex connector, and have a limited output of 12V 300mA to 12V 1.5A.

Thanks alot for the help.
Johnson777717 said:
Hey Phad.

What is the voltage and amperage from your computer's molex connector?

I have a standard cpu casing, with 300W psu made in taiwan/china. It has a 12V/5V molex connector.
I also have a 220AC to 13.8V 2A DC power supply that i sometimes use. A problem with this PS is it's got a lot of juice that when i turn it on, i feel like i'm beside a jet engine. :?
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