
  1. nec (up)d1877c, the unknown "cpu".

    hi, i remember getting a 1977 (?) calculator (casio h-1) back in 2017-2018, and after many years letting it get dusty, i decided to disassemble it now. i already disassembled it before twice, the first time was to fix it, and the second time was to extract some components, but after a while i...
  2. V

    How do I get two digit inputs using ASM for my Calculator using 8051?

    I chose to make a Calculator for my "Microcotrollers and Its Applications" course's Project component. I'm not really good at ASM progrmming, I'm more of a C guy (I'm not really good at programming microcontrollers though), but my faculty said the projects MUST be coded in ASM language. So I...
  3. jElectronics Javascript electronics calculations library

    heres my javascript library that contains a lot of functions and objects that can be used for electronic calculations. heres a list of some of the stuff it can do Ohms law Resistor Color code(4-band and 5-band resistors) Series and Parallel array of resistance,capacitance and inductance...
  4. Need help with storing some data onto Register.

    Once again, I'm stuck on a (likely) not so complex issue but I lack the proper vocabulary to find the answer quickly on Google. Long story short, I've made a calculator using two, 4-Bit BCD Full adders. The part that this post concerns is in between the Input (0-9 Keypad and Decoder) and the BCD...
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