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Why did you get married?

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New Member
Now that I'm recently engaged and wedding plans are being made, (**broken link removed**, **broken link removed**...)
I find myself wondering why we, as a society/culture/humans, still follow this tradition. I know more and more people are deciding not to get married these days and I was wondering if it's just a "tradition" that we follow. Some say that there are great monetary benefits like insurance decreases, etc. but others say that in the end you're actually penalized for being married.

Why did you decide you had to get married, as opposed to simply being with the person you love without the piece of paper. Was it to please your/her family? Were you simply following the tradition and going through the motions of taking "the next step"? Was it a spontaneous decision with a tranny in Vegas? Tell me your story.
with such doubts in mind, perhaps it may be better that you start the way you believe. with draw from the so made engagement.
otherwise these doubts and mindset might inconvenience you and the proposed would be !!!!
this is not to hurt you please.
Myself and my partner decided not to get married. We are now legally separated but I don't think a piece of paper would have made any difference. To give you an idea of the type of relationship we had, we were together 25 years, raised 3 beautiful children (now adults), moved half way around the world together and are still very good friends.

BTW, at 52, I'm really enjoying being single again.;)

My wife and I dated for 3 years, and lived together the last year before getting married. Why did we get married? Among other things we both at the time worked for the same company. Thus we were each added to the other's benifit package. This worked out well for the medical deductables. As to taxes we went from single to married filing jointly but ironically today (25 years later) we end up filing seperate returns. I think we got married simply because at the time it made more sense to do so. :)

Was married once, long ago when I was young and foolish. Been happily single for about 20 years now. Well, maybe not so happy anymore. It's getting mightly lonely on the mountain. In my advanced years, I don't enjoy my own company as much as I used to, and it would be nice to have someone to pitch in and help. So.... there may be wedding bells in my future.

To be continued...
I had to get married. I asked her and she said "YES" :p

But on a serious note, I’m currently in the worst divorce case imaginable. She’s currently under arrest for attempted murder, (i.e. she tried to have me killed after 17 years or marriage).

To pay for her legal fees and lawyers she sued me for divorce and wants half of my estate. I’m contesting this with everything I have. The court case starts next month. 3 days of hell in the high supreme court. (The criminal case against her is still ongoing).

TCMTech is also getting married. I hope that no other man on this planet has to endure what I had to go through the last 18 months of my life.
Marriage is the triumph of hope over experience. (unknown source)

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The one I have in my quotes file is:

Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.
-- Oscar Wilde

Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
-- Unknown
I had to get married. I asked her and she said "YES" :p

But on a serious note, I’m currently in the worst divorce case imaginable. She’s currently under arrest for attempted murder, (i.e. she tried to have me killed after 17 years or marriage).

To pay for her legal fees and lawyers she sued me for divorce and wants half of my estate. I’m contesting this with everything I have. The court case starts next month. 3 days of hell in the high supreme court. (The criminal case against her is still ongoing).

TCMTech is also getting married. I hope that no other man on this planet has to endure what I had to go through the last 18 months of my life.

I really don't know what to say about that; do you have any idea why she wanted you dead (usually its the other way around - that is, the husband takes out a contract to make his wife disappear)?

Was it one of those "out of the blue" things? How did you find out about the plan? That's pretty scary, however you look at!

You weren't an "Earl", were ya? :D
I've been married 17 years now - we still kiss each other good night, good morning, and see you later. We still hold hands and dance in the aisles while shopping. As far as I know, she doesn't want me dead.


Why'd we get married? So that everyone would stop asking us "So, when are you two going to get married?"...

Seriously, though - we did it because we are committed to each other; she's there for me, I'm there for her. She's helped me out in ways that I don't think anybody else would even dream of. I only hope she feels the same, but I think I am in her debt.

Nowadays, she tells me that if we were going to do it over, she wouldn't want to get married; strange, because all I heard from her long before was "when will you marry me". I procrastinated for a long while (7 years); but then the day came where it just seemed right to ask - so I did, and it was done.

We got married in a very small private ceremony...

I really don't know what to say about that; do you have any idea why she wanted you dead (usually its the other way around - that is, the husband takes out a contract to make his wife disappear)?

Was it one of those "out of the blue" things? How did you find out about the plan? That's pretty scary, however you look at!

You weren't an "Earl", were ya? :D


Refer to this thread
My sincerest apologies! I did not know your situation, and the "Earl" comment was out of line.

Don't worry about it. Any case, I don't know Earl :D
I got married because at that time the society around me considered living together without formal marriage to be a bad thing, and it is my nature to obey the rules. 35 years later I do not regret taking this step.
Marriage is a commitment to your wife. Then other beautiful girls are less likely to tempt you.
If you are not married then another girl might cause you to fool around with her.

I wear my wedding ring to show other girls that I am already committed to my wife and not to try seducing me.
I wear my wedding ring to show other girls that I am already committed to my wife and not to try seducing me.

Some single women out there find seducing a married man to be an irresistible goal. The wedding ring on your finger is just a challenge to them. That’s how our divorce happened with me and my beautiful ex wife.

I was happily married…..and then fell for a temptresses cunning, sneaky, and apparently “perfect” ways. Sex anytime. Body honed and shaved and smooth as silk. Perfection to a tee. Always ready for anything. At any time. It was exciting and great at the time…..

Biggest mistake I ever made in my life Give up a honest, loving woman/wife for a piece of opportunistic trash..

I was weak you might say. Yes you are correct. That was thirteen years ago.

I have learnt a lot since then…

Marriage seems to be the worst invention in the world. I was married twice in Germany and got married to a Thai woman the third time.

I've been constructing my dream house for more than three years and the money flows by and by.

This month I had a "Chang" (master) measuring all window and door openings to make the house ready to move in there. (The old house is being eaten up by termites rapidly). His proposal was double as high as I had figured.

He started with a door and two windows. I had told him that I want the only window to be opened in the kitchen and all the others to leave them closed forever.

My stepdaughters don't care for opening a window, but that measure will be contraproductive to my efforts to keep the house free of dust by letting in only filtered air from the air treatment unit into the house.

The "Chang" did everything wrong he could do raising the cost by more than double the price.

My wife has no understanding for the goals I gave the Chang putting the blame on me for the costly misunderstanding, and it is high time for me to leave the country, her and her two spoiled daughters and settle in an area where English is better understood than in Thailand. Leaving Thailand I know that I have put in more than 20,000,000Baht for a better Thailand. (Guess who got the money!)

(BTW. The Thai Nation believes that the world is just Thailand, being surrounded by some minor countries as China, USA and Europe.)

"Proud to be Thai" - You can read that sticker on every motorbyce and on every car.

Proud to have it made from a tree in the jungle to survive?

On the other hand Thais don't hesitate to kill somebody just for fun. An English friend of mine was attacked through the windscreen of his car with the attacker trying to stab him with a "Samurai sword". My friend is pretty stable from his body and he survived the attack with 1/3 of his liver cut into pieces. The bad thing about the story: The entire family loaded on two pickup trucks was watching the attack with nobody trying to help my friend who was already strapped into the safety belt of the car and couldn't defend himself quickly enough being attacked through the windshield.

(I recommended to get a gun license and shoot right through the windshield if this ever happens again.)

I'm utmost disappointed about Thailand and don't recommend it for anyone to settle here. (The immigration laws are more than strange to everybody!)

The main reasons for tourists traveling to Thailand are somewhat foggy to me. Thai girls don't do their job better than any other in the world. Believe it! It's just propaganda!

Cambodia is a poor country which requires support as well and more.

May be I can serve there as military adviser teaching the troops how to defeat monthly invading Thai troops with 100% losses of enemy forces and zero on their side.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

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