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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Where are these people?

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If I begin to help someone with what I feel is a viable solution to their problem and someone else sees a better solution I absolutely expect them to jump in with their suggestion(s). Sometimes being a member of a very good forum requires a thick skin. It's a forum people.

Yep same here. I know I am not always right about everything and I do enjoy learning something from someone who has more knowledge and experience than I do as well. :)

But getting blown off because the only workable solution costs more than $2 and takes more than a 5th grade electronics education implement or if the OP's question itself can be easily proved impractical to downright impossible by common sense is what gets to me.

"I bought a $500 XYZ item for $10 new but it takes a different voltage than what I have available. How can I adapt my present power to work with it but I don't want to spend any money in doing so and I have near zero electrical and electronics understandings?"
The correct and most workable answer is spend $25 and buy the necessary power converter or similar device that can do the same job that works with your unit gets blown off first thing and 30+ posts of monkey chatter follow mostly made up of ideas from members who apparently don't understand the difference between, a constant current source and constant voltage source, AC or DC, a transformer and a battery, or any basic definitions of volts amps ohms watts and so fourth let alone how the things they suggest even work. :mad:

Thats what wears me out on posts.
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Hey Der, I just figured out who your avatar is, lol. I was watching a TV show about the universe or something and they showed a picture of Nikkola Tesla, and by gosh exact same photo as your avatar...
Hey Der, I just figured out who your avatar is, lol. I was watching a TV show about the universe or something and they showed a picture of Nikkola Tesla, and by gosh exact same photo as your avatar...

Hahaha, yep! Nikola Tesla is my inspiration. I put his photo there to remind myself and others of what he did for this country, without expectation of a reward. He is the man I strive to be like. ;)
Some of us experienced guys notice that many topics are from kids who know nothing about electronics and they repeat over and over and over and ..... Boring and time to leave.
The kids should have a special forum for themselves, not here.
Last time I checked, blueroomelectronics' site had gone down and the domain had expired, looking at his AAC profile it says "Last Activity: 10-13-2011 06:52 AM",

Ya know, we have not seen some very bright people in quite some time. Now let's think about this seriously. I don't think we can rule out alien abduction and also the possibility they were recruited by MIB (Men In Black).

Has anyone noticed men in black suits following them or black unmarked helicopters hovering in their areas?

I just realized I haven't seen ghostman11 in a while, either. Last I knew he was going through shipments of electronic components and starting a shop, so maybe he's preoccupied with that.

Ron, I haven't seen any MIB around lately, but I may have been flashed and I just don't remember :D
Yeah, haven't seen Ghostman lately either. I dunno, maybe AG had a point? I really haven't a clue why people seem to just drop off the map. Likely a collection of many of the reasons mentioned resulting in people leaving as others arrive.

AG, with all due respect, without those "kids", we'd just be a bunch of guys sitting around hardly doing anything. We're here to help others, and that isn't limited to the more experienced members. The "kids" may not know much about electronics, but where are they supposed to learn if not here on the forum? Yes, I agree that expressing appreciation is really important, and it could be shown more often, but if the kids want to learn, who are we to deny them help?
Hi chaps!! sorry not been around, yes ive been busy with the shop etc, but the main reason ive not been here is a local scroat set fire to the small telephone exchange near here just before xmas. being a very rural place we couldnt get rerouted so ive been without a phone and the net since before xmas!!! ive been out in the car a few times with the laptop to get a signal but that gets cold and a hastle lol. as of today the net is back :D and so am i o/ merry xmas and happy new year to all BTW
Hey ghostman! Great to see you! I'm glad you've got phone and net back now. And Merry Christmas and a happy 2012 to you too! :)
Being relatively new to these forums and having been here about two years I have noticed a few of the regulars gone that were here and very active when I found this place and settled down. Forums are a funny animal. I am still somewhat active in a computer enthusiast forum I was active in for over 12 years. However, of late I am not there as much. Hell, I even still moderate in that forum. I should really resign my mod status so someone else can take over that puts more time in that forum.
Thats how I got started chatting in forums, but I havent fired up Light-o-Rama or Vixen in two years now. Sad.
It one point I was active in at least 4 other forums. Now I am active only in one other but I hope to get back to Christmas stuff next year.
And to why I droped out of the other forums, Many doing to much volunteer work, My kids school, Boy Scouts and at my sons race track.
I started hear sometime ago looking for help with a prop controller and liked it so much I stayed. Now I just use it to keep my mind working as I get older I think.
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So thats where they all went. They got cleaned! :eek:
Wasn't there a teenager from California on here a couple of years ago that was a prolific poster. He had no training, and would be the first to admit it, but it seemed he was picking it up ok. Haven't seen a post from him in quite a while.
I realize this description may fit several people, but I don't remember his name,
does anybody remember it?
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Wasn't there a teenager from California on here a couple of years ago that was a prolific poster. He had no training, and would be the first to admit it, but it seemed he was picking it up ok. Haven't seen a post from him in quite a while.
I realize this description may fit several people, but I don't remember his name,
does anybody remember it?

Haha, yeah, that's not much information. The only "kid" I know from California is Jon Wilder, and I think he's in his 30s now :D

Do you remember any threads he participated in?
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