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Can't connect to the PK2-LITE

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IIRC microchip has the bootloader code online somewhere. I was thinking that it might be somthing we could do for the people who need it. LVP's are the easiest to build and it may be a reasonable way to solve the chicken and the egg problem of not having a programer to build a programmer.

I could be wrong but it could be as simple a changing one or two lines of code.

The I/O pin assignments are in a header file called io_cfg.h

The relevant lines are:

#define tris_PROG_SWITCH TRISBbits.TRISB5 // RB5 Input (Weak Pull-up)
#define PROG_SWITCH_pin PORTBbits.RB5

You should be able to change to another pin (RC7 appears to be available) and recompile. Unfortunately I don't do C, so I am no help.

I don't know where to find the newest version of the source, but older versions are found here:

**broken link removed**

V2.32 should be adequate. It works with PK2 application 2.52.
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by the way, somebody has written here that the PIC18F2550 has kind of internal program. I didn't understand- can I use this program without reprogrm it using the ATR2003?

The PIC18F2550 isn't supplied by Microchip with an internal program.

The "internal program", (PK2V023200.hex for example) that you flash using your programmer, contains a bootloader.

Once functional, this bootloader allows the PICkit2 software to be updated via USB and the PICkit2 software, without the need for the other programmer.

Does that clear things up a bit?

The problem you appear to be having is the method ART2003 uses to program your '2550.

Re-read the previous posts by Blueroom, Skyhawk, Sarma & 3v0.
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The sky is falling !

I downloaded the project but can not get it to compile. Is is having problems finding header files "system/typedef.h" and "system/usb/usb.h". This is their project file so I would expect it to build.

I tried the normal thinks like:

Adding the path to my projectect using project>set language tool locations>Microchip C18 toolsuite>Default search paths&directories>Include search path.

Moving the .h's into the project root directory.

Adding and removing the unfound 'h's from the project.

Reinstalled C18.

It is one of them there not so swift days. I will try again when things start going better. :)

The I/O pin assignments are in a header file called io_cfg.h

The relevant lines are:

#define tris_PROG_SWITCH TRISBbits.TRISB5 // RB5 Input (Weak Pull-up)
#define PROG_SWITCH_pin PORTBbits.RB5

You should be able to change to another pin (RC7 appears to be available) and recompile. Unfortunately I don't do C, so I am no help.

I don't know where to find the newest version of the source, but older versions are found here:

**broken link removed**

V2.32 should be adequate. It works with PK2 application 2.52.
TNX Mickster, it was misunderstanding

The PIC12F2550 isn't supplied by Microchip with an internal program.

The "internal program", (PK2V023200.hex for example) that you flash using your programmer, contains a bootloader.

Once functional, this bootloader allows the PICkit2 software to be updated via USB and the PICkit2 software, without the need for the other programmer.

Does that clear things up a bit?

The problem you appear to be having is the method ART2003 uses to program your '2550.

Re-read the previous posts by Blueroom, Skyhawk, Sarma & 3v0.
don't give up; I say don't give up.
I was the guy of the same way. My PICKit 2 was not working, so sad about that, I worked through lonely days and nights, but that won't worked......

But just a small idea, make it working. I just swapped the D+ and D- lines.....And it worked just fine.....But it giving a Vpp error stll for the inductor...

MVS will help me out from here. MVS, I'm really sorry, I was out of my home for a week, so I was unable to reply regarding the 680 uH inductor. I got a 470 uH; I'll try with ya and in a new PCB because my old PCB is just getting dirty and dirty....even it was not coated... If that do not work, as you said, I'll say you to send the inductors...I'll give you my postal and ph no soon....

for avi,
u should check the USB voltage smoothing caps. the 100 uF and 0.1 uF.
try swapping the D+ and D-, if you didn't done it before.
I programmed my 18F2550 eith ART2003, and my PK2 was detected by MPLAB without any hassle in winXP even in winvista. Who said, ART2003 will not work? It's simply not true.

avi, if you have a PK2 lite PCB, giimme the layout...
post images of yoiur PK2 board.
I gonna make the PK2 lite for experiment...
Let us work together
I programmed my 18F2550 eith ART2003, and my PK2 was detected by MPLAB without any hassle in winXP even in winvista. Who said, ART2003 will not work? It's simply not true.

I did :eek: and since you've proved me wrong PM me your mailing address and I'll send you a Junebug PCB.
I programmed my 18F2550 eith ART2003, and my PK2 was detected by MPLAB without any hassle in winXP even in winvista. Who said, ART2003 will not work? It's simply not true.


I too say that it would not work.
But of course i don't have things to gift you except few 680uH coils, got made for you.
BTW, 450uH should work well Theo.

Could you get the upload to next driver done on PICKIT2 using the update procedures described in the manual after once programming on ART2003 type LVP programmer?


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Could you get the upload to next driver done on PICKIT2 using the update procedures described in the manual after once programming on ART2003 type LVP programmer?
We figured out that you can program it with the a LVP but you can not use it unless you have a way to change the LVP config bit to off. I did not see any way to do that without a HVP programmer.

That is why I said the BLOAD switch needs to be moved. I have a the rest of the week off. Maybe I can take another stab at the PICkit code/project and figure out why it could not find the includes.

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We figured out that you can program it with the a LVP but you can not use it unless you have a way to change the LVP config bit to off. I did not see any way to do that without a HVP programmer.

That is why I said the BLOAD switch needs to be moved. I have a the rest of the week off. Maybe I can take another stab at the PICkit code/project and figure out why it could not find the includes.

Here i have a doubt. Without indicating in the__CONFIG instruction of assembly or similar instruction in C or other language, will a person be able to programm LVP mode,merly by pull down of PB5?
If so, will still that PB5 be still effective as an input pin, in the absence of such instruction, in the softwrae, unless of course, location 2007 modified by the programmer.

please help my clarify.
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I programmed my 18F2550 eith ART2003, and my PK2 was detected by MPLAB without any hassle in winXP even in winvista. Who said, ART2003 will not work? It's simply not true.

You can add me to the list of those who thought it wouldn't work. I don't know why it does, but I am glad to be proven wrong. Congratulations!
theo92 said:
I programmed my 18F2550 eith ART2003, and my PK2 was detected by MPLAB without any hassle in winXP even in winvista. Who said, ART2003 will not work? It's simply not true.
If you can do it I would like to know why because it does not make sense. As long as the 2550 is in LVP mode you can not run code other then the bootloader. Unless the bootloader changes config from LVP to HVP.

LVP capable chips are shipped with LVP enabled. The answer is yes, a chip can be programmed by pulling down the program pin.

In LVP mode PB5/program in not available as a input. The BLOAD switch will choose between programming via LVP or programing via the bootloader. There is no way to run any code other then bootloader.

But the 2550 is able to write config memory from the bootloader. From AN851

PIC18F devices allow access to the device configuration
bits (addresses starting at 300000h) during normal
operation. In the bootloader, commands 6 and 7 provide
this access. Data is read one byte at a time and,
unlike program memory, is written one byte at a time.
Since configuration bits are automatically erased
before being written, there is no erase command for
configuration memory.

I have not looked at the boot loader application to determine how to write the config from there but if it is possible the procedure for getting a working 2550 for a junbug would be

1. Program the chip using LVP.
2. Run the bootloader app and switch the config LVP bit to off.

Could it be that simple ?

What is at location 2007 ?

I have not looked at the boot loader application to determine how to write the config from there but if it is possible the procedure for getting a working 2550 for a junbug would be

1. Program the chip using LVP.
2. Run the bootloader app and switch the config LVP bit to off.

Could it be that simple ?

What is at location 2007 ?

The way that I read section 5.3 of the programming specifications is that the LVP bit can only be programmed to 0 from the high voltage mode.

This makes sense because it means that a person using LVP can't accidentally "lock themselves out" by unintentionally resetting this bit.

I look forward to hearing more about this subject.
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Attached please find the ART 2003 programmer schematic in ZIF. It is a parallel port programmer. The designer specifically says that he made this to program 18F2550 for use in PICKIT2 and another 18F2xx chip. I only wonder, if this can program 18F25xx, perhaps PICKIT2 becomes redundant.


  • FDart2003.jpg
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Attached please find the ART 2003 programmer schematic in ZIF. It is a parallel port programmer. The designer specifically says that he made this to program 18F2550 for use in PICKIT2 and another 18F2xx chip. I only wonder, if this can program 18F25xx, perhaps PICKIT2 becomes redundant.

Hardly, it's a really poor LVP programmer, dependent on a custom program running on the PC - the PICKit2 is in a completely different league, and is a debugger as well.
What is says is
However, the LVP bit may only
be programmed by entering the High-Voltage ICSP
mode, where MCLR/VPP/RE3 is raised to VIHH.

Whay you say is correct if you take the statement at face value. Bit it may be talking about LVP vrs HVP via a programmer. It could be that the bit is changable programaticaly (by running program). To write these config memory location one has to jump throgh the same hoops as one does to write EEPROM. It is not anything a stray bit of code is going to change, it requires quite a deliberate act.

If the bit is not changable programaticaly one could move the BLOAD switch as I mention earlier. Bit it is a bit more work.

What we are trying to do here is such an odd ball (wierd) sort of thing that I doubt one could say one way or another without trying it.


The way that I read section 5.3 of the programming specifications is that the LVP bit can only be programmed to 0 from the high voltage mode.

This makes sense because it means that a person using LVP can't accidentally "lock themselves out" by unintentionally resetting this bit.

I look forward to hearing more about this subject.
Hardly, it's a really poor LVP programmer, dependent on a custom program running on the PC - the PICKit2 is in a completely different league, and is a debugger as well.

the designer says he used winpic600 in conjunction with ART2003.
I experimented a lot with ART2003.

ANY PIC WITH LVP CONFIG can be programmed with it.
I tried 16F628A,18F2550,18F876A
But sometime programming fails strangly....maybe due to my poor veroboard layout.....
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