zener shunt stabiliser

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Re: negative resistance

laroche73 said:
Anyone remember tunnel diodes? They were a little before my time. This guy has some interesting experiments on his page using homemade negative resistance materials:

**broken link removed**
The VI curve of the tunnel diode was sort of what I started out trying to emulate when I designed the circuit above.
I remember back in about 1966, I lived in a duplex, and tinkered with electronics in my garage. I was making a triggered sweep for my EICO 460 scope, and I had a tunnel diode in the trigger comparator. I quit working on it when my neighbor finally realized that his TV interference coincided with me being in my garage.
I have also seen the link you posted. That guy does some interesting stuff!
Did you know that the peak of the tunnel diode curve is an almost perfect perabola, you can double the frequency of a sinewave by biasing at the peak. I published a circuit for that many years ago.
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