X-CTU under Windows 7

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Not sure whether this thread should be in microcontrollers or RF communications.

In an earlier blog, I describe serial communications between an accelerometer and a 2X16 LCD (https://www.electro-tech-online.com/blog-entries/memsic-inclinometer-assembly-language.254/ ). Eventually, I will be using a wireless link to connect the sensor to the readout/control unit. Two years ago, I got a pair of XBee S1's, played with them briefly, then set them aside. In the interim, I have switched homes, computers, OS's, doctors, etc. When I plugged them in two days ago, they did not work.

I downloaded the most recent versions of X-CTU and drivers. I am using an adapter board and FTDI cable from Ladyada. After a day and a half of fiddling, I was able to establish communication with them. They are working now and, much to my surprise and joy, communicate well. One XBee accepts the serial data form the accelerometer, and the other sends it to the display.

The problem I am having is that X-CTU will periodically shut down/stop working. It restarts and works fine. I am using Windows 7, and as mentioned the Adalady accessory board and FTDI cable. X-CTU is installed in the program files folder, x86. The security permissions panel for X-CTU is a bit odd, compared to other programs:

There is also an "Interactive" permission. All of the other programs I checked, except MPLab, have a very simple security panel like this:

But, MPLab, which works fine, is similar to X-CTU's.

1) Does anyone have experience with X-CTU and Win7? Any problems?
2) Is anyone familiar enough with the security on Win7 to explain such entries as Administrator (singular), Unknown Account, and Interactive account with "inherited" permissions?

no john but we have a machine with win7 64 bit and it bricked a PK3 because of the win7 usb drivers (according to micro chip) i have seen that screen on our 64 bit win7 machine for some programs tho, and i get problems with some stuff on it and its always things that plug into the USB. might be an idea if you have a xp machine or virtual machine with xp to load it on there and check the permissions then make sure they are same in win7, also check under xp what the usb driver is that its using and then check win7. the ipaqs i have will only run under the xp virtual machine and if i program a 30f chip after a 18f i have to load the virtual xp machine and do the software change for the pk3 under that! because win7 64 sometimes messes it up
John, I to have used the X-CTU, at first with XP and now with the availability of Win7 software I have used it on that machine as well...I'm sorry to say that I have not had the same issues you are experiencing. I would suggest trying a different serial to usb cable (maybe different chip-set) than the one you are using, see if it gives satisfactory results.
Security permissions really shouldn't be a problem. If there handle right by the software and the drivers.
What happens is Like with windows 7 they got smart and said lets lock the computer down so we now have permissions that belong to only one person or a app or even a driver, That's great and all but we have a copy of a out dated software or driver and it don't call for Mr no-one to start Mr no-one driver so you can use the stuff you paid good money for and Mr software said I want paid for fixing it so lets make them use
new stuff so me and Mr hardware get in on this to.
Thats it in a nutshell.
X-CTU came out with WIN 7 software and drivers...
Does that mean something cause i don't see it. I've used a bunch of software that has been for windows 7 that had to have files fixed cause the software was calling owners that didn't own the file.
Does that mean something cause i don't see it. I've used a bunch of software that has been for windows 7 that had to have files fixed cause the software was calling owners that didn't own the file.
That means; that for a long time X-CTU would only work on XP not WIN 7...then they (X-CTU) came out with...software and drivers... for Windows 7.
I see what your saying then if there is a problem it should of been fixed then if it has been reported.
I haven't had time to play with my XBEE on this laptop.

Mike I kind of hate wind7 and Xp don't run on this drivers lol so there lots of room open for these problems
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