wut the . . .

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Active Member
I'm not one to be taken in by conspiracy theories, but the proof seems to be right in front of my eyes.

Have you ever heard of chemtrails? I heard about it on the radio once a while back and didn't believe it until I saw it one day and I went on the internet to research it and found all of these websites about chemtrails. I didn't see anything like it for about another two months and then I saw the very same thing happen again. Check out a couple of these websites. Does anyone know anything about this? It's just so hard to believe that something so obvious could be a conspiracy.

No. Those "chemtrails" are just water vapor that is in the jet fuel. All (liquid)fuel has some water in it. When you run a car, you will see alittle of this vapor condencing into water droppletts. In jets, when this fuel is burned, the vapor becomes trapped in the thick atmosphere. It then condences into a cloud. No need to be alarmed.

Although it would be possable to put substences into the fuel that could be harmfull, that doesn't mean they will. Just think; Just because you CAN kill a person, doesn't mean you WILL kill someone.
Omg, it's that ridiculous Educate yourself site again. Did you even read the other materials on the website? Here's a side discussion about it:

And what proof? All I see on that website (as usual) is just someone spewing stuff out and jumping to conclusions based on "loose evidence" which may or may not be real. If you read that other thread carefully, I said that on one of the articles it started out with someone having a dream about something which jumped them to "investigate" things. Uh huh...yeah...RIGHT. I'm going to stop now since I get really mad when I see this kind of crap floating around on the net and people being taken in.
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Listen to the "kid", he is a man of considerable resource and sagacity.
it is not the water in the jet fuel , but vapour expelled as a result of burning fuel (a complete combustion of hydrocarbon will produce carbon dioxide + water vapour ) if u observe carefully, you can see that the trails originate at a little distance from the jet engine . it is because the super heated vapour requires some time to get cool down and form clouds , which will dissipate as per the prevailing atmosphere conditions there.
I'm not trying to push this or anything, but just satisfy my curiousity please.

Why is it that I only see these once every couple of months. I would imagine that they would be seen much more often. Is it because the atmosphere has to be just perfect for these contrails to last?

Also, when I watched these, the plane will spew out a trail of whatever it is that it's spewing out, and then the trail will stop suddenly and then the plane will vanish into the distance. If it is due to the water vapor, why does it just stop like that? Is it because there are certain "patches" of atmosphere that lend themselves to the trails?

and thanks pavabro, even though I'm not sure what sagacity means!
Sagacity..., n.
[L. sagacitas. See Sagacious.]

The quality of being sagacious; quickness or acuteness of sense perceptions; keenness of discernment or penetration with soundness of judgment; shrewdness.

The complement was for Marks256, he's the only "kid" I know around here.

The phrase "He was a man of infinite resource and sagacity" is from Kipling, "How the Whale got his Throat"
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I was at that site 2 weeks back LMAO at some of those "Chicken Little - the sky is falling" topics. That chemtrail gun is a real hoot. Like I have time to set up one in my driveway and watch it melt away a trail up at 30,000 feet. Meanwhile the car and truck exhaust on a busy road near me prolly affects my neighborhood far more.... and that doesn't even address noise pollution from them and those noisy, open pipe motorcycles.

Well, this could be a result of a lot of things. Yes, it could very possable that the atmosphere has some spots in it that are more favourable than that of the other spots. The more logical explaination for this is;
Since the earth is round, and the atmosphere distorts light, the cause could very well be that the light just isn't focusing in the right fashion to allow you to see it. It is sort of like putting a pen in a glass of water, and looking through the sides. It looks as if it were to be bent.
This, of course, is a very broad explaination. There are thousands of variables to be accounted for.
**broken link removed** was the weather guy at KPVI-TV in Pocatello, Idaho, before he "began to pursue this interest full time". I wonder if he was fired. This dude has some very strange - no, scratch that - damn strange ideas. If I was managing a TV station, I wouldn't hire him.
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I did watch a TV special about these clouds. It can be found on the Nova website (www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova). Nova is a very cool scientific/technological TV show made especialy for nerds. Anyways, this show gave scientific proof that these "jet tails", actually helped cut down on global warming. Yes, it is hard to belive, but it was very factual. You would have to see the program to understand it, i am sure you can watch it right on Nova's website(you usually can.). Basically, they blocked some of the sun's radiating heat. they cut down on evaporation time, and heat(very little, but enough to make a difference).

Also, i hope i got that link right. I just have under my "Favorites" menu. If the link is wrong, you can just google "Nova WGBH". In case you are wondering, WGBH is the production company.
Whats the difference between damn strange and very strange... and for that matter - really strange??!!
Don't worry about the contrails from high flying jet aircraft. They are made of harmless fluffed cotton. It falls to the ground at night and the bugs get it.
(How do I put smileys on my posts now? I used to be able to but not anymore)
fingers said:
Whats the difference between damn strange and very strange... and for that matter - really strange??!!
Well, I guess it all depends on how you interpret it. Reminds me of a funny true story, though.

I went to my wife's 20th high school reunion about 20 years ago. We were sitting at a table with some of her old friends. A woman(?) walks by who has a **broken link removed**. "She" was in the company of a guy who had attended the high school. My reaction was, "That's damn strange". One of the women at the table replies, "That's not damn strange. That is f---ing bizarre!" She swore she was going to follow the person into the restroom and see which way her shoes pointed when she went into a stall.
You have to click "Post Reply" at the bottom left of the last post to get the smiley faces. If you click "Quick Reply" then you don't get them.
audioguru said:
Don't worry about the contrails from high flying jet aircraft. They are made of harmless fluffed cotton. It falls to the ground at night and the bugs get it.
(How do I put smileys on my posts now? I used to be able to but not anymore)
Here are the Smilies.
Lol. Just so you don't walk ito the restroom, and a lady stands up next to you! That would be akward.
Marks256 said:
Lol. Just so you don't walk ito the restroom, and a lady stands up next to you! That would be akward.
1.LoL/lol/lOl/LoL but not Lol
2. into
3. awkward
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