wireless communication

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Must be doing something wrong

I downloaded from site2, downloaded both items
The second item is a binary file.
When I open or at least try I get this error.
Running win7
Windows 7 will not use that dill it's for older XP Why do you even want it you have a pickit2 clone you don't need it

winpic800 will run on 7 I use the dissembler

MrDeb you can add them newer chips there a update for the pickit2 device file you can get it here https://www.microchip.com/forums/m487219-print.aspx

it adds these
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Maybe I got confused?
I assume that all I need to do is build the module boards from nigels site and follow the lesson plan to learn assembly language?
The 10 and 12 series chips would be cheaper for my present projects.
BOY this sure LOOKS similar to PIC BASIC

I have two books one in front of me is PIC IN PRACTICE by D W Smith.
Looking over the code examples it looks very similar to this
torial 1.3 - Nigel Goodwin 2002
	LIST	p=16F628		;tell assembler what chip we are using
	include "P16F628.inc"		;include the defaults for the chip
	__config 0x3D18			;sets the configuration settings (oscillator type etc.)

	cblock 	0x20 			;start of general purpose registers
		count1 			;used in delay routine
		counta 			;used in delay routine 
		countb 			;used in delay routine
	org	0x0000			;org sets the origin, 0x0000 for the 16F628,
					;this is where the program starts running	
	movlw	0x07
	movwf	CMCON			;turn comparators off (make it like a 16F84)

   	bsf 	STATUS,		RP0	;select bank 1
   	movlw 	b'00000000'		;set PortB all outputs
   	movwf 	TRISB
	movwf	TRISA			;set PortA all outputs
	bcf	STATUS,		RP0	;select bank 0
	clrf	PORTA
	clrf	PORTB			;set all outputs low

Am I correct in assuming this?
Will order some 16F628 and ? or should I just use what I have for now (18F1320 and 18F4520?

18 series are considerably more complicated (and more powerful), and 16F code requires some changes to run.
I realize the 18series is more powerful and requires changes in code.
Need to read suggestions on chips to get.
Definatly the 10F200, 16F84 (in book) and 16F628
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Looking over the LEDboard as well as the main board 16F628, WHY a 1k resistor for LEDs?. Thats only 5ma to drive each of the LEDs?
Misprint or ??
My plan is to etch a board utilizing the 16F628 board with the LEDs board, switch board, LCD all on one board.
need to check pinout of 10F200 if I can use on same (or add another socket?
STUPID question?
I looked at the 10F200, how to program with out an ICSP type header or is there an adapter to serial program this chip?
Using a Junebug (pickit2 clone)
You hook it up like this to program View attachment 61142

Here a little code that I learn from Nigel tutorials some of it I TX part It was for a 12f508 I changed it to a 10f200

; Internal RC calibration value is placed at location 0x1FF by Microchip
; as a movlw k, where the k is a literal value.

	list      p=10F200            ; list directive to define processor
	#include <p10F200.inc>        ; processor specific variable definitions

; pin assignments
 #define  TX  GPIO,0  ; transmit pin on GP0

 buffer     res    1            
 counter    res    1 
 Count      res    1 

RESET   CODE    0x000           ; effective reset vector
        movwf   OSCCAL          ; update OSCCAL with factory cal value 
    goto    init              ; jump to main program
 movlw b'00000000'   ; set I/O
    tris    GPIO
 bsf  TX
 movlw 'b'               ; sets text to loads buffer with 
 call start
 movlw 'e'
 call start
 movlw '8'
 call start
 movlw '0'
 call start
 movlw 'b'
    call start
 movlw 'e'
    call start
 movlw ' '
 call start
 movlw 'w'
 call start
 movlw 'a'
 call start
 movlw 's'
 call start
 movlw ' '
 call start
 movlw 'h'
 call start
 movlw 'e'
 call start
 movlw 'r'
 call start
 movlw 'e'
 call start
 movlw 0x0A
 call start
 movlw 0x0D
 call start
    goto init   ;loop for ever
 movwf buffer
 movlw 0x08
 movwf counter        ; counts the 8 bits 
    bcf   TX             ; set TX low
    call  BItdelay       ; delay to get a 9600 bit rate
    rrf   buffer ,f      ;send one bit
    btfss STATUS ,C      ;  
    bcf   TX             ;
    btfsc STATUS ,C  ;
    bsf   TX  ;
    call  BItdelay  ;
    decfsz counter,f     ;test if all done
    goto  TXLoop  ;
    bsf   TX  ;
    call  BItdelay  ;
BItdelay                 ; timing delay 

    movlw 0x17
    movwf  Count  
    decfsz Count ,f
    goto   Wait

 END  ; directive 'end of program'
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Now my head is spinning
When I get a 10F200 how do I connect the Junebug to it or do I need a serial interface or ?
Thanks Burt
I'm glad I don't need another interface board.
The code you posted is for ? transmitting ?TX
Thanks Burt
I'm glad I don't need another interface board.
The code you posted is for ? transmitting ?TX

It's just an RS232 routine, it's not really suitable for wireless use - as wireless doesn't preserve the pulse widths.
Nigel The code I posted is serial and I only posted it to show Mrdeb it not that hard to do.. I can change it to work from what I have been reading this is using 2000 bits per sec And it sends the Commands strait out than inverts the data.

But the people at iteadstudio give links to software for the ardunuo and digging around there tells you that it's basically the same radios that sparkfun sold and they point you to sparkfun for data sheet for this thing. So i read the stuff over there and find you can just read the data serial at 2400baud and send it The same

SO I'll order me some and try it out.

As long as you invert the data (easy in software - or use external hardware inversion for the UART), keep the baud rate low, and aren't too concerned about data errors, then you can do a rough serial connection using RS232 type serial.

There's a project on one of my websites (ten years ago) doing just that:

But as it's only software, why not do it properly with Manchester coding? - my tutorials went that way following my experiences from back then.
Well I was going to do it the right way I just have to find out which way that is there is no data sheet for this thing. And they only give code for the arduino which shows how it works but that don't mean much. It's not showing any Manchester code
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