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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Who have some information of ACTEL Company .. ?

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Electronic boy

New Member
Hello my dears .. :wink:
I want information about Actel company microcontrollers ...
another meaning .. Please give my some pictures for some chips , and Circut Diagram for programmer .. and software for programming the chips .
Exampel for useing the ACTEL chips , Messiah modchip for PS2 console .. it built on the actel chip !! This meaning.. messiah chip it the best !!

Now .. I want Know :
What kind of the chip on messiah modchip ? ( microprosesor or microcontroller ) ?
Help me ...


  • messiah.gif
    14.7 KB · Views: 1,130
The only differnece between a uC and a uP is that uC alone can work as a cingle chip computer without need of external sticky chips like EPROM, SRAM etc. where as uP just processes data. Rest everything is exetrnal for it.
So a mod. chip is definately a microcontroller with hardly 2-3 chips on the MOD PCB. These additional chips may be reset controllers and some additinal peripherals or NV RAM for data storage.
What is ( Mod. ) abbreviating ?
I am read ( modchip ) but I do not understand it !!

another question :
How the hackers can bring points to connect the modchip in a console ?
For Example :
Playstation2 has 32 point to connect ( Messiah ) modchip .
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