Do you have a virus on your computer?I use Firefox 2.0 for so long and keeps a copy of it always
I just tried version 3 sometimes before and uninstalled because I hated its appearance and slow loading of the addressbar history. I use Celeron machine on 256MB RAM.
I have only 256MB of RAM and I'm using 3.5 with no problems.
I experience the same, Firefox takes lightly longer to start but pages seem to load faster.It takes time to load the application but data loading is about 5times faster than IE.
That so you can look at p0rn without your mum/wife/sister from finding out?I use Safari 'sometimes' and really appreciate it's private browsing feature where the history, cookies nothing is stored while browsing.
Firefox 3.5 has private browsing too.
Well, he's the first retarded self made billionaire then.EDIT:
BillGates should be the first one retarded.
MS software is pretty retarded though, anyone remember Microsof Bob?
Anyway I consider Microsoft to be more of a marketing company than a software company.
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