Website update!

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New Member
I finally updated my website after about 3 months. I have actually been very busy with school and stuff, but I finally got around to give it a big update that it's been deserving:

I condensed the High Voltage projects, added the tracksvs wheels page (still working on it) and changed the template since it was messing up some headers.

Comments? Things to add? I also really like the new template with the nav bar on the side.
Yes, I changed the template to something a bit easier to look at, because I like simple streamlined websites.
WHeels only have less parts if you have no suspension. THat's why tracks are lighter than suspended multiple wheels trying to simulate tracks

There's a big argument going on about it about Tanks vs Strykers.

My car got stuck in a parking lot a today several feet away from a bobcat that hadn't clearned that area of the parking lot yet. Wheels suck! lol. That wouldn't have happend if I was driving a tank to the post office.

Don't forget one of the advantages of tracks is not traction (friction is independent of surface area! until a wheel gets caught up that is), but that making larger wheels to climb better also means a larger lever arm, so more motor gearing is needed, while the climbing height of a track is independent of the radius of the drive gear (since you can always run the track through more idler gears to increase it's height/clmbing ability without increasing the amount of torque required to produce the same force on the track) and that it has lower pressure on the ground so you can drive over softer surfaces.

At least in my opinion, looking for a ground vehicle that wouldn't get stuck on stuff.
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