web design in php

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New Member
hi everyone

im design a website and currectly everything works fine. i would like to know how do get data from multiple text files stored from a folder outside of root directory and display them on your webpage.please answer by writting php code.thank you.
please answer by writting php code.thank you.
If you don't have permission to access those files because they are "outside of root directory" then there is nothing you can do. If you have access permissions to those files, then use the "include" statement: [url]https://php.net/manual/en/function.include.php[/url]

I know that is a shitty answer, but what do you expect from electronics forum.. You should ask that question at some lunux fanboy website. And I would put it like this: "Linux sucks because there is no way to display data from multiple text files outside of root directory using php".. that will give you tons of useful replies.
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