Variable or Constant expected for "initialtime"

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New Member
when i try and compile this, i get error variable or constant expected for initialtime, the thing is, initialtime is already a variable why am i getting this error?

Symbol red=W4
Symbol yellow=W5
Symbol green=W6
Symbol ms = 10

Symbol TRISA = 133
Symbol TRISB = 134
Symbol PORTA = 5
Symbol PORTB = 6

Poke TRISA, %11111
Poke TRISB, %00000000


boot: 'what to do when device turns on

SerOut 0,T9600,($FE,"X")
SerOut 0,T9600,("Welcome!") 'welcome message

Pause 2000 'wait a sec

checkstartbutton: 'go sub routine to get rid of pause time if key pressed within pause time

SerOut 0,T9600,($FE,"G",%1,%10) 'clear line 2
SerOut 0,T9600,("Press Start") 'display first instruction
Button PORTA,0,1, initialtime 'if start button on a0 pressed, than start program

GoSub checkstartbutton

GoTo boot


SerOut 0,T9600,($FE,"X")
SerOut 0,T9600,("Initial Times Are:")
SerOut 0,T9600,($FE,"G",%1,%10)
SerOut 0,T9600,("Red:",#W4)

GoTo initialtime
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