I’m new to programming PICs. I’m building a robot that follows a white line. I need to program it. The robot is going to be designed around a Mitsubishi M16C/62 board. I was wondering how I would go about programming it in C rather than assembly. What software I would need to do this? Would I just write the program in C and let the compiler do the rest (converting it to assembly). Which language would it be easier to program the robot in (C or assembly). I really would be grateful for any help!
I’m new to programming PICs. I’m building a robot that follows a white line. I need to program it. The robot is going to be designed around a Mitsubishi M16C/62 board. I was wondering how I would go about programming it in C rather than assembly. What software I would need to do this? Would I just write the program in C and let the compiler do the rest (converting it to assembly). Which language would it be easier to program the robot in (C or assembly). I really would be grateful for any help!