Well-Known Member
going to etch some boards for my PWM LED candles and am worried or concerned about using a RS 273-1767 wall wart.
Should I add any caps or ?
Also is it better to turn the PIC "off" (LEDs off) using a phototranistor then when light hits the phototransistor the RB3 goes LOW as pictured
take RB3 high on the presence of light thus turning off the LEDs
The pot R5 is adjusted so the LEDs just glow very softly.
Don't want full on bright or maybe I do.
Won't be able to tell until I get the board and leDs lit up.
the LEDs are surface mount from China so will measure current etc. before deciding on resistor values R2,3,4,6,7,10
any suggestions on the power supply or ??
Should I add any caps or ?
Also is it better to turn the PIC "off" (LEDs off) using a phototranistor then when light hits the phototransistor the RB3 goes LOW as pictured
take RB3 high on the presence of light thus turning off the LEDs
The pot R5 is adjusted so the LEDs just glow very softly.
Don't want full on bright or maybe I do.
Won't be able to tell until I get the board and leDs lit up.
the LEDs are surface mount from China so will measure current etc. before deciding on resistor values R2,3,4,6,7,10
any suggestions on the power supply or ??