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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Updating old electronics with 3 prong plug

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New Member
I've done some research on how to do this, but i have this old sony microphone pre amp that seems to have been originally wired up differently than other gear that i've looked at.

The original plug had one wire going to the fuse, which then went to the transformer. The other wire went to the on/off switch, and then went from the on/off switch to the transformer.

The original cable prongs were not polarized.

How should i wire up a new cable that has a ground's black, white, and green.

Don't wire green...
well, i probably would not have messed with it except for the fact that i'm having problems with input level. When i touch the chassis with my finger (with original wiring), the input level went up. I figured i would give this a shot to see if it solved the problem.
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Generally speaking the ground wire is connected to the chassis. But considering the circuit wasn't designed with a saftey ground in mind the whole thing could explode if you wire it like that so proceed at your own risk =)
"Generally speaking the ground wire is connected to the chassis. But considering the circuit wasn't designed with a saftey ground in mind the whole thing could explode if you wire it like that so proceed at your own risk =)"

This is why i'm here posting the question.
The problem with connecting the green wire is ground loops. Ground loops will cause hum to be added to the audio. If the chassis ground and green wire can be isolated from the audio ground, then it can be made to work. Otherwise use a 2 prong plug.
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