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My college professor asked us to take a real life problem/device and design and solve its circuit using transient response and Laplace transforms. It has to be a simple circuit, maybe just some capacitors, power source, switch and resistors... My biggest problem is finding a connection to a real device or application with such simple circuits! Any ideas??
Kettering Ignition coil. Show energy stored in the inductance, the resonance with the capacitor, the voltage step-up into the secondary winding, where the plug fires...


A simple circuit that has inductance could be a relay with transistor driver.

A simple circuit with a resistor and capacitor would be an RC filter with step input or even sine input.

A simple circuit with R, L and C would be an LC filter with input resistor and output load resistor, driven by a step input. That's a simpler 2nd order system.

I am not sure what level of complexity you are looking for.
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