i made a timer using cd4541 .using a transformerless power supply.i assembled it in aadopter like casing(charger type).like it fixes to the plugpoint .
the problem is
when i took the adopter(ie casing ) and touch the two pins(neutral and hot one). it gave me a nasty shock i just literally throwed the thing.
i used .22uf 400V.cap.this is taking the residue current.
please help me to rectify this problem as i arranged to produce in lot.
i made a timer using cd4541 .using a transformerless power supply.i assembled it in aadopter like casing(charger type).like it fixes to the plugpoint .
the problem is
when i took the adopter(ie casing ) and touch the two pins(neutral and hot one). it gave me a nasty shock i just literally throwed the thing.
i used .22uf 400V.cap.this is taking the residue current.
please help me to rectify this problem as i arranged to produce in lot.