Tracking a moving object

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I wish to start a project whereby I can track a moving object, eg a human. Not only track movement, but also be able to determine the distance of the moving object from tracking device. Range is not more than 20 metres. I am new to electronics, but want to get an idea of the complexity of the solution.

Try an ultra sonic range finder mounted on a servo or stepper motor.
As you move the sensor in a circle you the distance to a reflection in each direction.
You should be able to track a slow moving object.
Everybody has seem too many Spy movies, and thinks that this is easy using radios; it is not! The only way that works really well is to put a GPS receiver in the object being tracked, and then to use an RF link to telemeter the GPS derived location.
One old thread

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Try an ultra sonic range finder mounted on a servo or stepper motor.
As you move the sensor in a circle you the distance to a reflection in each direction.
You should be able to track a slow moving object.

I doubt an ultrasonic range finder will be able to obtain a usable return signal from a person.

GPS is out of the question. A random object will not be equipped with one. How do bats catch moths?
Dion did not specify how accurate or how fast he needed the system to be.

The system I proposed is somewhat awkward but it should work. I know IR
distance sensors will detect a person and I expect ultrasonic will work too and
with a greater range. There is nothing new here.

Mike I agree, if he is thinking radio you are right. But he was not that specific.
One of the uses would be security. Perimeter security on farms in africa is a necessity. The system would need to identify an intruder based on maybe a heat signature, determine range, and if exceeded, determine range of target, as well as direction of movement(if moving).
Sorry but as mike said you have seen too many movies. A system that could come close to doing this sort of think would be very expensive.
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