The Future is Here

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The future? I bet you 5 bucks I could push it over with a half stiff arm, it's not the future it's just a glorified toy, provides no functional use and costs more than almost 6 average Japanese workers make in a year. Sure they're amusing to look at and their control systems are phenomenal, but it's just a pile of useless junk. I really don't understand why these things get so much media attention.
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WOW!!! and she listens too! Thats worth a $100K right there.
Get them to work with the hollywood anamatronics companies and the special effects mask people, to smooth out the movement and add that life like apperance and feel, then bring the price down to $20K.
Make them in both guy and girl versions too! The human race will go extinct in less than 100 years!
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Yeah? We can tell the difference between fine asian robobooty and flat iron.
why did they pick a female? Was there a need for extra circuitry in the chest area? She walks like she has a stick up her bum...
why did they pick a female? Was there a need for extra circuitry in the chest area? She walks like she has a stick up her bum...

Because we would not be having this conversation if it they picked male. Drop and give me 20 for asking that question
If you take all the independent robotic to human interaction tech and put it in one unit, Wow! Half the people I people I do work for would be out of jobs.
Robots that understand human language, movements, body gestures, and can talk and interact peacefully with others. Plus dont get tired or angry or play office politics either!

Put the logic based common sense of good coding on top of all that and we may all be out of work!
eeeeew. Matrix.

I think that has already happened and when they begin designing their own mechanisms and processors with preprogrammed circuitry.

Then you will be out of a job.

When major innovations are within 6 months time periods. Then suddenly it's down to three weeks to next revolution of innovations....

Thats when we all have to worry.

I dont mind. If its nice to me I will be a pet!
Look at the amount of hours your pets actualy do something usefull during year and how much you spend on them anyway.

Do you really want to rebell agianst that kind of lifestyle? I look forward to it!
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