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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Task's manager to determine order in which task's executed

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I am trying to make task manager in program that looks for all task's and decide which one task will be run next . Timer interrupt should be keep the track of system time

Let's say we have eight task's. 1-6 are dead task's and 7 and 8 are active task. Task 7 start and stop for every 250 ms and Task 8 start and stop for every 500 ms

In my code interrupt happens at every 10ms
#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000
#include <xc.h>
// PIC18F45K80 Configuration Bit Settings
// 'C' source line config statements
#pragma config RETEN = OFF      // VREG Sleep Enable bit (Ultra low-power regulator is Disabled (Controlled by REGSLP bit))
#pragma config INTOSCSEL = HIGH // LF-INTOSC Low-power Enable bit (LF-INTOSC in High-power mode during Sleep)
#pragma config SOSCSEL = HIGH   // SOSC Power Selection and mode Configuration bits (High Power SOSC circuit selected)
#pragma config XINST = OFF       // Extended Instruction Set (Enabled)
#pragma config FOSC = INTIO2    // Oscillator (Internal RC oscillator)
#pragma config PLLCFG = OFF     // PLL x4 Enable bit (Disabled)
#pragma config FCMEN = OFF      // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (Disabled)
#pragma config IESO = OFF       // Internal External Oscillator Switch Over Mode (Disabled)
#pragma config PWRTEN = OFF     // Power Up Timer (Disabled)
#pragma config BOREN = SBORDIS  // Brown Out Detect (Enabled in hardware, SBOREN disabled)
#pragma config BORV = 3         // Brown-out Reset Voltage bits (1.8V)
#pragma config BORPWR = ZPBORMV // BORMV Power level (ZPBORMV instead of BORMV is selected)
#pragma config WDTEN = OFF      // Watchdog Timer (WDT disabled in hardware; SWDTEN bit disabled)
#pragma config WDTPS = 1048576  // Watchdog Postscaler (1:1048576)
#pragma config CANMX = PORTB    // ECAN Mux bit (ECAN TX and RX pins are located on RB2 and RB3, respectively)
#pragma config MSSPMSK = MSK7   // MSSP address masking (7 Bit address masking mode)
#pragma config MCLRE = ON       // Master Clear Enable (MCLR Enabled, RE3 Disabled)
#pragma config STVREN = ON      // Stack Overflow Reset (Enabled)
#pragma config BBSIZ = BB2K     // Boot Block Size (2K word Boot Block size)
#pragma config CP0 = OFF        // Code Protect 00800-01FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config CP1 = OFF        // Code Protect 02000-03FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config CP2 = OFF        // Code Protect 04000-05FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config CP3 = OFF        // Code Protect 06000-07FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config CPB = OFF        // Code Protect Boot (Disabled)
#pragma config CPD = OFF        // Data EE Read Protect (Disabled)
#pragma config WRT0 = OFF       // Table Write Protect 00800-01FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config WRT1 = OFF       // Table Write Protect 02000-03FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config WRT2 = OFF       // Table Write Protect 04000-05FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config WRT3 = OFF       // Table Write Protect 06000-07FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config WRTC = OFF       // Config. Write Protect (Disabled)
#pragma config WRTB = OFF       // Table Write Protect Boot (Disabled)
#pragma config WRTD = OFF       // Data EE Write Protect (Disabled)
#pragma config EBTR0 = OFF      // Table Read Protect 00800-01FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config EBTR1 = OFF      // Table Read Protect 02000-03FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config EBTR2 = OFF      // Table Read Protect 04000-05FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config EBTR3 = OFF      // Table Read Protect 06000-07FFF (Disabled)
#pragma config EBTRB = OFF      // Table Read Protect Boot (Disabled)

volatile char tick_flag = 0;    /* if non-zero, a tick has elapsed */

// port pin Initialization
void Port_pins_Initialized (void)
    LATA = LATB = LATC = LATD = LATE =  0;
    TRISA = 0b00000000;// all are output, Unused
    TRISB = 0b00000000;// all are output, Unused
    TRISC = 0b00000000;// all are output, Unused
    TRISD = 0b00000000;//  Eight LEDS connected
    TRISE = 0b00000000;// All are output, Unused

    ANCON0 = 0; // digital port
    ANCON1 = 0; // digital port
    CM1CON = 0; // Comparator off
    CM2CON = 0; // Comparator off
    ADCON0 = 0; // A/D conversion Disabled
// Timer0 Initialization   
void Timer0_Initialized (void)
     TMR0L = 176;    //Timer0 Register Low Byte 

     TMR0ON = 1; //Timer0 On
     T08BIT = 1; // Timer0 is configured as an 8-bit timer/counter0
     T0CS = 0;   // Internal instruction cycle clock (CLKO)
     T0SE = 1;   //Increments on high-to-low transition on T0CKI pin0
     PSA = 0;  //Timer0 prescaler is assigned; Timer0 clock input comes from prescaler output 
     //1:256 Prescale value
     T0PS2 = 1;
     T0PS1 = 1;
     T0PS0 = 1;
     PEIE = 0;   //Disables all peripheral interrupts
     TMR0IE = 1; //Enables the TMR0 overflow interrupt
     INT0IE = 0; //Disables the INT0 external interrupt
     RBIE = 0; //Disables the RB port change interrupt
     TMR0IF = 0;// cleared timer overflow flag
     INT0IF = 0; // disabled external interrupt
     RBIF = 0; //disabled Port Change Interrupt Flag bit
     GIE = 1;    // Enable Global Interrupt Enable bit

// Interrupt service routine
void __interrupt(high_priority) tcInt(void)
  if (TMR0IF == 1) // Timer0 overflow interrupt flag bit
      tick_flag = 1;
      TMR0L = 176;    //Timer0 Register Low Byte   
      TMR0IF = 0;
void task_manager(void)

  char task;


    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 7:
      break;                  /* no task was active!! */

//Main program start from here
void main(void)
    Port_pins_Initialized (); // port pin  initialization

    Timer0_Initialized (); // Timer initialization

    while (1)
       if (tick_flag == 1)
         tick_flag = 0;

Pommie Ian Rogers , any idea would be apricated
Why try to manage them externally?

Just call every task every "scan" through the program main loop or at the appropriate interval within a timer routine, and let the task exit instantly if it has nothing to do.

That's the normal way (as far as I'm concerned, anyway). It's rather simpler and likely has less overhead than trying to dynamically schedule things.

Complex managers and schedulers are required for operating systems where the user can change or add / remove programs and tasks.
An MCU always has the tasks pre-defined by the program creator so no "extra" management should be needed.
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