David Banner
New Member
Long Story short... my Makita 6500 heat gun that's had bugger all use was loaned to a mate who used it to melt a candle. Don't even ask. I've been told he held the nozzle of the heat gun into an upside down glass container to melt the candle, and then after letting the wax partly cool he started the process again. I've been told at some point there quick escape of wax from the glass and the heat gun cut out. The motor runs on both speed settings, but the element and gun display are notworking. I've included images of the gun so you can see the model, and a video of me switching the gun on and off. I understand it could be anything but the element ir maybe some other part. I can take it apart and I have a multimeter, but I wouldn't have a clue where to start with testing this for repair. I can't afford to buy another unit, so if I can't repair this one I've lost the use of that tool, and no my ex mate isn't coming to the table to replace the heat gun. At least not yet. I will be very grateful for any help wisdom or magic anybody can offer that'd see the heat gun fixed. I can dissasemble it and take photos if required. Thanks