(SOLVED)Code beat me again, 7 segment this time

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Well-Known Member
So, i managed to do this many years ago, BUT, now that i started doing again (nope, didn't take copy of that previously working code....)
this for some reason won't work at least the way it should
Basic 2-digit timer, but the trouble currently is that other digit won't go on, even though i'm quite sure i told it to do so. However, when i drive them as separatery, i mean as 1 digit, they work as intened. What bothers me is that they won't work as multiplexing/synchronously, if you get my meaning. those codes all over the internet didn't help either, didn't find that thing that causes this, there is blanking supposedly between digits. But, hopefully you guys could shep some light....port manipulation might be overkill, but i recently started doing codes with it, shoudln't be issue....
and, i use 4543 bcd-7 segment driver, if that makes any difference
int const t =100;
int count;

void setup()
  //Serial.begin(9600);       //debugging
  DDRD = DDRD | B11111100;    //Data direction register D, 0=input, 1=output: pins 4-7 output
  DDRB = B00000011;           // 8, 9 outputs

void loop()
PORTD = B00000000;                 //display 0
PORTB = B00000001;                 //turn on digit 1
picknumber(count / 1 % 10);      
PORTD = B00000000;                  //display 0
PORTB = B00000010;                  //turn on digit 2
picknumber(count / 10 % 10);
  delay(t);                         //increment delay 0.1s, resolution is 0.1s
count++;                           //increment
//Serial.println(count);            //debugging

void picknumber( int count)
  switch (count)
  //case 0: zero(); break;
  case 1:PORTD=B00010000; break;            //1
  case 2:PORTD=B01000000; break;            //2
  case 3:PORTD=B01010000; break;            //3
  case 4:PORTD=B10000000; break;            //4
  case 5:PORTD=B10010000; break;            //5
  case 6:PORTD=B11000000; break;            //6
  case 7:PORTD=B11010000; break;            //7
  case 8:PORTD=B00100000; break;            //8
  case 9:PORTD=B00110000; break;            //9
  default: B00000000; break;                //0
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You only have one visual delay time.... delaymicroseconds(10) isn't long enough... You need a bit more as the final one is longer!!! I would keep the LED's on for at least 20mS each
Oops, that was the cause, i confused micros and millis....doh! sorry and thanks!
my previous version is at blog section, if you want to compare....now i took code and schematics to safe place hehe
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