Sleep Paralysis -Anybody experienced?

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Okey, I've experienced this strange phenomena couple of times recently. It was terrific indeed to say or something you would never want to face again. Just want to know how many of you aware of this and your thoughts/experience as well.

The feeling is awesome..

More info is on wiki and refer the below link:
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It was something you never want to face again yet it was awesome?

I'm guessing you mean it was an experience outside of the realm of the physical and enticing because of it?

Personally I've never encountered sleep paralsys, though I have for several years had a lot of fun hovering at the hypnagogic stage of loss of consciousness, including some very clear dreams and one instance of fully lucid dreaming within the last year.

Every night I go to sleep I try something different.
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I went through a partial sleep paralysis experience about a year and a half ago. I ended up in the emergency room over it thinking I was having a stroke or something being mom had died about six months earlier due to a massive heart attack in her sleep at age 54 despite being in excellent health and fitness.

My conscious part of my brain woke up but the motor control part stayed asleep and was reacting to my conscious efforts to move similar to how it does when in a deep dream state. Basically ignoring it or greatly diminishing it so that no conscious muscle movement works properly or is very shaky and weak at best. Thats the simplest way to explain it.

Terrifying beyond all explanation.
I am sure most people interested in this topic here have looked up sleep paralysis to find it is poorly understood but generally considered benign. However, transient paralysis can be a symptom of serious underlying disease -- MS being just one of them. The differential is quite long. Check out the list at the bottom of this article:

That list is not meant to scare you, but to emphasize the importance of mentioning your episode(s) of sleep paralysis to your physician. If you should have such symptoms not in association with sleep, if an episode involves loss of sight, or if symptoms do not resolve quickly, you should seek immediate help.

Jpan that link you provided is not relevant, sleep paralysis is well understood, a couple instances of sleep paralysis is nothing to worry about, and perfectly normal, according to Wikipedia's various studies have been done that show 20-60% of people have experienced sleep paralysis at least once in their life. Some people have chronic issues with it, however there is no underlying medical condition associated with it the link you refereed to is for medical reasons for paralysis, sleep paralysis is psychological in nature and unrelated, it's actually a required state that we all go through during a normal sleep cycle, it prevents us from thrashing around or getting out of bed during REM sleep (sleep walkers skip the paralysis step)

I've had some interesting experiences with odd dream states, similar to TCMTech's mine were probably triggered by the mental changes that the death of my mother and loss of my son in the last two years have upset my sense of a stable world, these kinds of changes are part of an adult mind that's set in it's ways encountering fundamental changes like death or other drastic life changes. I wouldn't worry about it in the slightest unless it progress past a few occasional episodes, always worth talking to a doctor about these kinds of things but the drastic medical problems that can be associated with paralysis is by far 'jumping the gun'

Transistor, for further reading check out Lucid Dreaming on Wikipedia, it's a field modern psychologists are studying actively in attempts to further refine our understanding of consciousness because to be blunt about it the medical and psychologist communities don't have the slightest clue what consciousness really is.

Due to intermittent insomnia I've had my entire life I've grown to use these times of mental unrest while the body is supposed to be idle as fertile ground to experiment with understanding the nature of my own consciousness in a self exploratory way, it's quiet eye opening coming to terms with the fleeting nature of our own minds, thoughts and their connection with the real world, if you explore the boundaries between wakefulness and sleep you gradually learn just how ephemeral the real word is.

I definitely recommend checking it out if you're curious because test subjects prone to lucid dreaming experiences have been able to actually go from a state of wakefulness directly into a dream state without losing consciousness and can communicate with psychologists through the use of eye movements (eye movements in a dream track with the real eye's movement because the eye is hardwired to the brain outside of the normal motor cortex)

I haven't been able to reproduce the Lucid dreaming state I had a few months ago (I had one when I was about 12 as well) but I have been able to generate some incredible visual images during the Hypnagogic stage of sleep, it's a lot of fun and the sensation of consciousness drifting in and out during the tail end of the hypnagogic stage is rather interesting. Keeping concious while the brain shifts into REM sleep itself has so far eluded me, but there are techniques that are supposed to help, such as eye monitors to determine when REM sleep is obtained to produce an audio tone that's supposed to remind you that you're dreaming to help bring the conscious awareness into the REM state. But it 's also something you can only play around with once or twice a day =) So a hard thing to study.

There is promise though that increased understanding of consciousness and the sleep state in general will eventually lead to being treatment for some forms of sleep issues, such as night terrors, a lot of ground is being gained, but it's not something we'll probably ever have true breakthroughs in, it's too dependent upon the individual.
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Disturbed sleep is common for people overworked, restlessness and office B/F tensions.
Ghosts,-- let me tell you, no ghost is more dangerous than a bad living person. we honor people who left this world. While having sympathy for departed souls, we need not develop fear complex.
the best possible advise is have good physical exercise like playing shuttle or some brisk game. don.t sleep during day and with proper physical exercise, and sleeping not too early,
surely you find good result.
Finally avoid TEA and intoxication in the evening and late nights. reduce spices during night that cause acidity and sleeplessness. if needed support by a cup of warm milk, you are sure to have sound and undisturbed sleep. believe and try for few days.
I didn't even think that some of you may treat it like I've got a 'paralysis' or a serious illness here..nope

As some of you've already noted down, it's a strange condition occurs during just before waking up or just after falling asleep. It happened to me last month because I've taken inconsistent sleeping slots.

It's like I've waken up partially, tried to get up but couldn't move my hands or legs, trying hard to open my eyelids but couldn't, wanted to scream out for help but voice coil never works it felt like I was constantly trying hard for more than half an hour, due to constant efforts I could open my eyes 10percent , I could feel somebody is walking,talking but they're just hallucinations though, being terrified and woke up normally after some time. I had a clear picture of what happened just before and was unbelievable.

Same happened again after couple of days and during that days I was going bed and getting up very lately. So I changed my sleeping slot to normal(10-7) as like before and everything looks fine.

I'd never think it'll make any physical or mental problems though, I thought it's worth sharing with you as it felt like a strange kind of dreaming -imagine how it'd be when your conscious mind wake up partially and sends a control signal to get up but your body is totally shut down for REM stage.

A cartoon from web:
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imagine how it'd be when your conscious mind wake up partially and sends a control signal to get up but your body is totally shut down for REM stage.

No imagination required here. Cant move or move properly, cant talk or make coherent speech,and all around scared sh!tless that the effect is permanent.
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