Simple UART RX question

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I am using a PIC18F252. I can send data to hyperterminal successfully.

My question, where in your code do you "look" for data received? I'm using Asynchronous mode. I read that RCIF will be set when reception is complete and an interupt generated "IF" they are enabled. There is a way without using interupts...

DO i write a seperate routine to check for data received...if so how?

Any help will be appreciated.


void init_usart(void)				
	TXSTA=0b00100100;			// Asynch,8bits,tx enb
	RCSTA=0b10010000;			// Cont receive enb		
	SPBRG=129;				// BaudRate=9600 @ 20Mhz as Table
	RCSTAbits.SPEN=1;			// Enable Serial Port

void write_usart(unsigned char send_ch)				
	TXREG = send_ch;
	while(TXSTAbits.TRMT==0);		// Wait for TX to finish
mikesmixes777 said:
My question, where in your code do you "look" for data received?

If you don't want to use interrupt you'd need to poll RCIF all the time, sually in the main loop.
hey, when you set up the tx pin of the uart, did you set its direction as input or output? Some people on this forum have said it should be set as input, which i found a bit confusing. Thanks
You have to check the Data Sheet for the device you're using. You use different settings for different devices (unfortunately)...
I managed to get it working, thanks....

Apart from small code problems the one thing I hadn't enbled was RX as an input. TX must be set as an output for my PIC.
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