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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

seven segment 3 digit counter

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Koba Late

New Member
The code looks fine. When you say it's not working, what is it doing?

One thing, which is not your problem but may cause problems later, the temporary variables (w_temp etc) need to be in the common area at 0x70 - 0x7f.

For anyone interested, here is the tidied up version.
;7 segment LED display - count up from zero

        LIST    p=16F877a    ;tell assembler what chip we are using
include        ""         ;include the defaults for the chip
        ERRORLEVEL 0,-302    ;suppress bank selection messages

        cblock    0x20        ;start of general purpose registers
count                    ;used in looping routines
count1                    ;used in delay routine
counta                    ;used in delay routine
countb                    ;used in delay routine
tmp1                    ;temporary storage
p_temp                    ;save register
s_temp                    ;save register
w_temp                    ;save register
tens                    ;tens storage
ones                    ;ones storage

SEG_PORT    Equ    PORTB        ;7 segment port

        org    0x0000
        goto    Initialise

;************************************************* *************************   
;     Interrupt routine
;************************************************* *************************

; Interrupt routine handles TMR2 which generates a 1ms tick

;    Interrupt vector

        ORG    0x0004

        movwf    w_temp        ; Save W register
        swapf    STATUS,W    ; Swap status to be saved into W
        movwf    s_temp        ; Save STATUS register
        movfw    PCLATH
        movwf    p_temp        ; Save PCLATH

        btfss    PIR1,TMR2IF    ; Flag set if TMR2 interrupt
        goto    INTX        ; Jump if not timed out

; Timer (TMR2) timeout every 1 milli second

        bcf    PIR1,TMR2IF    ; Clear the calling flag

        btfss    SEG_PORT,7    ;check which LED was last
        goto    Do_tens
        movfw    ones
        andlw    0x0F        ;make sure in range of table
        call    LED_Table
        andlw    0x7F        ;set to correct LED
        movwf    SEG_PORT
        goto    INTX

Do_tens        movfw    tens
        andlw    0x0F        ;make sure in range of table
        call    LED_Table
        iorlw    0x80        ;set to correct LED
        movwf    SEG_PORT

        movfw    p_temp
        movwf    PCLATH        ; Restore PCLATH
        swapf    s_temp,W
        movwf    STATUS        ; Restore STATUS register - restores bank
        swapf    w_temp,F
        swapf    w_temp,W    ; Restore W register

LED_Table    ADDWF    PCL , f
        RETLW    b'10001000'    ;0
        RETLW    b'10111011'    ;1
        RETLW    b'11000001'    ;2
        RETLW    b'10010001'    ;3
        RETLW    b'10110010'    ;4
        RETLW    b'10010100'    ;5
        RETLW    b'10000100'    ;6
        RETLW    b'10111001'    ;7
        RETLW    b'10000000'    ;8
        RETLW    b'10110000'    ;9
        RETLW    b'11111111'    ;blank
        RETLW    b'11111111'    ;blank
        RETLW    b'11111111'    ;blank
        RETLW    b'11111111'    ;blank
        RETLW    b'11111111'    ;blank
        RETLW    b'11111111'    ;blank

Initialise    movlw    0x07
        movwf    CMCON        ;turn comparators off (make it like a 16F84)
        bsf    STATUS,RP0    ;select bank 1
        movlw    b'00000000'    ;Set port data directions, data output
        movwf    SEG_TRIS
        bcf    STATUS,RP0    ;select bank 0

;    Set up Timer 2.

;movlw    b'01111110'     ; Post scale /16, pre scale /16, TMR2 ON
;uncomment previous line, and comment next line, to slow multiplexing speed
;so you can see the multiplexing happening
        movlw    b'00010110'    ; Post scale /4, pre scale /16, TMR2 ON
        movwf    T2CON

        bsf    STATUS,RP0    ;select bank 1

        movlw    .249        ; Set up comparator
        movwf    PR2

        bsf    PIE1,TMR2IE    ; Enable TMR2 interrupt

        bcf    STATUS,RP0    ;select bank 0

; Global interrupt enable

        bsf    INTCON,PEIE    ; Enable all peripheral interrupts
        bsf    INTCON,GIE    ; Global interrupt enable

        bcf    STATUS,RP0    ;select bank 0

        clrf    tens
        clrf    ones

        call    Delay255
        call    Delay255
        call    Delay255
        call    Delay255
        incf    ones,    f
        movf    ones,w        ;test first digit
        sublw    0x0A
        btfss    STATUS, Z
        goto    Main
        clrf    ones
        incf    tens,    f
        movf    tens,w        ;test second digit
        sublw    0x0A
        btfss    STATUS, Z
        goto    Main
        clrf    tens
        goto    Main        ;loop for ever

Delay255    movlw    0xff        ;delay 255 mS
        goto    d0
Delay100    movlw    d'100'        ;delay 100mS
        goto    d0
Delay50        movlw    d'50'        ;delay 50mS
        goto    d0
Delay20        movlw    d'20'        ;delay 20mS
        goto    d0
Delay5        movlw    0x05        ;delay 5.000 ms (4 MHz clock)
d0        movwf    count1
d1        movlw    0xC7        ;delay 1mS
        movwf    counta
        movlw    0x01
        movwf    countb
        decfsz    counta, f
        goto    $+2
        decfsz    countb, f
        goto    Delay_0

        decfsz    count1    ,f
        goto    d1
        retlw    0x00

How to write assembly for pic 628a to count object with three 7 segment display.please help. I'm a student.

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