for my senior design we are basically making a garage door opener, but its for a huge hydraulic door and we are using a PIC to control it and I need to get some sensors for it.
The door is huge that when it swings open it can flip trucks that are parked up against the door and can push away snow up to 3 feet in front of the door.
What would you guys recommend to use for being able to detect if something is in front of the door??? The proximity sensors may not work because we can't have a ton of them on the front of the door. To close it I was thinking of a standard laser/photo beam that goes across so if it is broke when closing the door will stop(its on alot of residential doors today)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
The door is huge that when it swings open it can flip trucks that are parked up against the door and can push away snow up to 3 feet in front of the door.
What would you guys recommend to use for being able to detect if something is in front of the door??? The proximity sensors may not work because we can't have a ton of them on the front of the door. To close it I was thinking of a standard laser/photo beam that goes across so if it is broke when closing the door will stop(its on alot of residential doors today)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!