scrolling text in 7x5 dot matrix led display.

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hey, im currently working on a project with 7x5 using PIC microcontroller. I need to scrolling texts in 7 cascaded 7x5 dot matrix displays. Does anyone have any sample codes or algorithm for it? I already did something which displays 5 characters in 3-7x5 but it just wouldn't work if the 7x5 is already 7. What my program is doing to to just turn on one of the 35 columns at a time and send the coresponding bits on the rows. If you want to see my code and see what's wrong, I'll be very glad to show it. Thanks!
U can modify the circuit with a serial-in parallel-out shift registers (74LS164) to drive the cathode lines. and u ase the same data lines common to all the displays. U can connect 74LS164 in cascaded to get any number of output you require.
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