Rpm Counting

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Re: Comparator circuit

TKS said:
Nigel i installed the comparator jus tlike you said.

It's NOT a comparator!, as I told you above.

Only with one 10K pot in place (to 5volts) and one 100K one.. (hysteris??)

Why?, I said not to, and it's NOTHING to do with hysteresis.

Sorry, but I haven't got the faintest idea what you're doing?, I gave you a circuit for an amplifier and you've altered it without reason, and started calling it a comparator for some bizarre reason?.

Have you now got a scope then?.
Nigel calm down, will try to improve my inglish aswell ok

OK, you gave me the circuit, i made it like you said i only added 3 things.

1) the zener protection
2) the 100K pot instead of the 100K resistor
3) the 10K resistance to 5volt rail replaced by a 10K pot.

Sorry that i call it a comparator.
Its just because i saw how the device works and i thought it compared the VR sensor voltage to the - pin voltage (or to the + pin voltage).

I then programmed the pic to output to me the measured details.

The pic counts pulses during 125ms. and send them out to the pc by the serial port/pins.

I then adjusted my scope program (you remember the bar graphic picture??)
sow i could plot the signal (values) from the pic.

is the situation now more clear?

i will upload an attachment as soon the limit is some bit higher need 60Kb per file...

else i could mail you them?

i found out that a cap at the picpin to ground of 1uF will give lower readings (lower count values) but they where super stable!! exept when reaching low pulse frequency/low rpm/low wheel speed.

i found out that a 10uF isn't usefull because it made the signal crap....

i also found out that a 110K pulldown can be usefull but that you need to adjust the pot settings allot.

I did al this kind of tries to cure the "doubt signal the pic gets"

do you untherstand what i mean with doubt signal?? I call a Sinus wave wich has a high frequency and wich max voltage is 0,9 ==> portbit high
and lowest voltage is 0,7 ==> portbit low..

untherstand the problem??

the doubt signal comes when the wheel speed is low.

then the next other problem is the spikes wich i hope came from the fact that the sensor vibrates and generates some doubt full pulses!!

surely its not prof talk but hope you untherstand ok?


i'm going to try a pc scope (DIY job) if it don't works i will buy a decent one.
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