roulette circuit using 40 and 74 series and 32 led
i want to make a roulette game, using cmos or ttl ic's
insted of microcontroller.
first i have to give variable pulse and then generate random number (without using random number generator ic)
so i thought of using 555 in astable mode, and cascading to 555 so that trigger of one may be controoled by output of other, and using capacitor at discharge point of final output.
but m not getting desired output.
i want frst random led glow at fast speed and then finaaly slow down and stop at random number, in between player sets it bet, which is cheked as soon as led stops, and compares.
for comaprison i cduse comparing binary output of led number and user bet, but then how to do comparison only when ledstops.... help me please...

i want to make a roulette game, using cmos or ttl ic's
insted of microcontroller.
first i have to give variable pulse and then generate random number (without using random number generator ic)
so i thought of using 555 in astable mode, and cascading to 555 so that trigger of one may be controoled by output of other, and using capacitor at discharge point of final output.
but m not getting desired output.
i want frst random led glow at fast speed and then finaaly slow down and stop at random number, in between player sets it bet, which is cheked as soon as led stops, and compares.
for comaprison i cduse comparing binary output of led number and user bet, but then how to do comparison only when ledstops.... help me please...