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New Member
RoboticInfo is back or aka Anthony
well I am guessing everyone is wondering where I was, well the answer to that question is told in my new best selling book "Where Is RoboticInfo?"
the book is available at amazon that is for 4 easy payments of $19.99

Just kidding
Anyway my life took a turn when I got a new girlfriend and got a job which you guys won't beileve where.

Well I have been doing little projects here and there but nothing big like my crazy ideas I always used to have.

The shed is not going to be built because my father took it down so I go to my friends house because his garage has every tool I need.

Currently I can not get any projects done because my car is in the repair shop getting a new trasmission.

Bmw's transmission's
are not cheap and they take all my pay checks
but after I will be able to get back to small projects.
If you have any questions feel free to post.
"Houston, we have a girlfriend..."

Welcome back...where's your job?

Chain your little projects into a big one...and have fun with thermite
My job is at RadioShack
that was a place that I hated and it is ironic how I am now working there but hey a jobs a job.

Thanks for the welcome back

So I guess someonelectro and jay.slovak no longer vist this website anymore by there last posts.
Hey!!! Whats up berni what you been up to?
long time no see!

You haven't posted anything or responded to a thread in quite some time when I searched your posts.
He's been talking to me
This forum is sadly slowly dieing for us "gurus" now. Too little useful info and too much white noise. But i do come on from time to time to see, what's going on. And ask help if needed. It's just that I for instance have learned how to search google stuff .

But nothing beats this forums Robotic forum. We have some interesting new dudes there who really know what they are doing and if they are asking, they know how to. something you dont see every day (blueroomelectronics for instance. God i hope i wrote the name correctly).

If only we weren't living soooooooo far from each other. we should get together and make one good and massive, yet interesting and useful bot...

I'm currently developing one big one (0.5m length).
plus see my bots on:
**broken link removed**
and concept:
**broken link removed**

Ya it's sad how I came back to see the forum with less of the gurus that used to come here.
This forum has changed greatly.

That's a cool project you got going there bloody-orc,
I have a robotics competition in June and I am still in the planning stage for the robot.

That would be cool if we lived by each other then we can team up for competitions.
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