Relays Board for this????

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New Member
Hi people,

Well, I am a newbie. I come from the digital world, and I am pretty lost right now.

I have to build a control system.

The input is a Pressure Sensor, which gives a voltage output from 0 to 50 mV, depending on the pressure.

The outputs are some actuators (valves, which are activated with a pulse; and a motor, which also needs a pulse, something like 0.2 A for some mS)

The only Functional Logic is that, in case the pressure sensor voltage is higher than X value, these actuators should be activated (a pulse). In case the voltage is lower, deactivated (another pulse).

I checked in the internet and found a Relay Board, but I am not sure this is what I need...

Thank you very much in advance!!!!!

Best regards!!

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