I have an old Sansui receiver/amp that has been good to me for many years. I picked it up used about 1986 and the last few years it has developed an intermittent volume control. Of course, this part is NLA. I took it out and very carefully took it apart, cleaned it up and inspected it under a magnifier. It looks to me that the carbon tracks are almost completely worn off. The ohmmeter shows several dead spots as the shaft is tuned and the operation in circuit bears this out.
Is there anywhere that can redeposit the carbon track? One side is easily accessible but the other is under a crimped shaft that will take some doing to take completely apart and get back together.
The stereo is a Sansui R-30. The part is an Alps #10155700, 150K, BX2 (centertap brought out to a dedicated pin.)
Thanks in advance.
(ex Navy ET)
Is there anywhere that can redeposit the carbon track? One side is easily accessible but the other is under a crimped shaft that will take some doing to take completely apart and get back together.
The stereo is a Sansui R-30. The part is an Alps #10155700, 150K, BX2 (centertap brought out to a dedicated pin.)
Thanks in advance.
(ex Navy ET)
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