Reading schematics, totally lost.

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New Member
Sorry to bother u guys but having trouble reading schematics, getting lost with coils and relays and other pretty basic stuff, also if schematic is over 2 or 3 pages not sure where goes out or comes in on the next page is there antwhere i can get help for this or online tutorials.

thanks in advance delboy.
PS have already got some good info from your site.

[quote="electrogeek]Generally what you might want to do first before you try to read a huge schematic that includes multiple pages , such as the one you discribed , would be learn the symbols. The lines that go in a loop sereval times with nothing going through these loops, for an example, is called a coil . If you take that same loop and drew a rectangle through it , the coil would than become a iron core coil also known as relay . The lines that form sharp angles are called resistors . The straight line with a c-shaped figure beside it is called a capacitor. The traces would have a dot on the schematic if it crosses other traces that is on the circuit and if these same traces does not have a dot on it when 2 traces cross on the schmatic they do not cross on the circuit . Hope this was some help to you .[/quote]
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