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There are so many loop holes in the system. What good is ranking anyways? Complaining power? That can't be it... Credibility perhaps?
Maybe it's just a nice feature of the forums? It has nothing to do with the real experience or knowledge, that should be obvious. But it might show your behaviour and your presence on the forum.
I'm sure if Nigel sees someone exploiting the rating system in any way shape or form he will ban them.
I guess I just think of it as a "for fun" type thing. I admire/respect the knowledge/willingness to help of several members here, but they don't have any higher ranking then the rest of us. There are only 3 or 4 members with more then one square, and quite a few knowledgable members who regularly contribute.

To me its nothing more then added color and entertainment to the forum. I spend enough time here to form my own opinion of whos advice I trust.
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