This is my first project that deals with radio waves so i wanted to keep it relatively simple.
Basically I need a push-button hand-held battery operated device which activates a beeper if the beeper is in a 100metre radius; it should work through bends and walls.
I have worked out that i need to a transmitter and reciever on a synchronised frequency for this to work(am i right?)
Could anyone tell me which device should i shud use to send a signal? and what do we use to recieve that signal? A PIC?
I just need a little push, i can manage the rest.
This is my first project that deals with radio waves so i wanted to keep it relatively simple.
Basically I need a push-button hand-held battery operated device which activates a beeper if the beeper is in a 100metre radius; it should work through bends and walls.
I have worked out that i need to a transmitter and reciever on a synchronised frequency for this to work(am i right?)
Could anyone tell me which device should i shud use to send a signal? and what do we use to recieve that signal? A PIC?
I just need a little push, i can manage the rest.