Quiz Show Scorer and Dispalyy

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It's easy to build it all on the same board, you will just have longer wires? I don't get that specification...

You could have count up held high then when you push a button it increments, and when you press count down it ties count down low and also sends a pulse..just an idea

Read through this

**broken link removed**

When is this due?
Two suggestions:
1. You could modify or use a scoreboard from an air hockey game.
2. You could locate ( good luck!) archive issues of Electronics Hobbyist for a scoreboard game that does not use counters. One of my 1980 issues has this article that works as you describe your game plan. It uses SCRs and flip-flops.

its due next week.iv doen alredy the 3 leds all im just left with is the 7segments yeh i no its simple to build the game show buzzer but without a buuzer but i wnt the circuitttttttt on pcb or sumfin lik that

where can i find this 1980 article
whats the link please
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