Quiz Game -- Of sorts...

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New Member
I placed this in here under this title for the reasons that I found it to be the most logical place to put it seeing it's triviality to likely any EE student and under this title for it's striking simalerity to a quiz game.

I am looking to create a circuit that acts much like the buzzers on a quiz show. It needs to get the first press of a button out of two, then store it in one of two corresponding LEDs until a reset button is pressed.

To be honest I am a complete n00b! I only started reading a book on circuitry and just finished the DC unit while still managing to be clueless.

Unfortunately (Not knowing how much work there was really involved) I told a guy that it couldn't be TOO hard to learn and make for him. And I couldn't have been more wrong.

So... I was wondering how to best (And most importantly easiest) to accomplish this. If integrated circuits are needed I could delve into that but if not I would enjoy staying away from them for excessive amount of time needed to learn. I also am trying to do it on the cheep for him. I have all three buttons (A reset and two triggers) a main power switch, and a 6V (4 AA) power supply. I was mostly just hoping for a means of accomplishing this if someone could outline it or even just give me a concept/component to look into. If someone feels like really delving in to help I would also appreciate that as well.

Thank you to all in advance, and if anything is unclear please just ask.
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