PSpice Bipolar Junction Transistors Modeling

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New Member
i want to simulate the circuit AmpopTBH2, on PSpice.
On below image
The transistor i am using is BFR92A/PLP, because on PHILRF.lib the BFR92 is not there, no model available, but BFR92A is still the complementary of BFT92 so i thought it would work on PSpice, but unfortunately yet no.

The only circuit of HBT on PSpice is working right now for me is Class B Amplifier:
I also checked the SIEMENS.lib, but i didn't find any PNP/NPN complementary transistors, i have to use both types. I need a Transition Frequency about 5GHz.

I have physically (brought) the transistors BFR92 and BFT92.

Edit: My question is what reason might be that the Differential Amplifier work well on LTSpice but on PSpice not ?
(On PSpice the voltage on nodes is always 3 Volts, and the current on this nodes is in the range of 1 pico Ampere pA, and it should be in the range of micro Ampere uA).
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Don't worry about above post #1 it's solved !

When i Run the PSpice Circuit i got the following error and warning:
INFO(ORCAP-2191): Creating PSpice Netlist
INFO(ORNET-1041): Writing PSpice Flat Netlist C:\CADENCE\SPB_16.6\TOOLS\CAPTURE\pcb3-PSpiceFiles\SCHEMATIC1\
ERROR(ORNET-1111): PSpiceTemplate syntax error %s Unexpected end of string
WARNING(ORNET-1119): No PSpiceTemplate for J1, ignoring

How i can fix this error and warning?
We can forget the last posts.
My question now is what is the correct name Footprint for TL084IN ?
(PSpice OrCad PCB Editor)
You should not rely on a simulation to see if a circuit works or not because the transistors and ICs in a simulation use only "typical" spec's, not the minimum and maximum specs on parts that you buy.
Also, a simulation is missing important stray wiring or pcb capacitance that are short circuits at 5GHz.

How to increase the area of the yellow square on the transistors ? Now like that it's just to small for the tracks. (i need the area something like the resistors)
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