Not a novel idea, I know.
I'm interested in building a project to add glowing indices to a clock that turn on in the dark and run off of a capacitor that is charged by a small solar cell. It will be like a clock with glow-in-the-dark markers except substitute LEDs for phosphorescent paint.
The LEDs therefore only need to turn on in the dark and glow just brightly enough to be seen when it's too dark to read the clock directly. My hope is that with an efficient circuit and small underdriven LEDs it won't need a big solar cell or capacitor.
So, I'm looking for pointers for a starting point for a solar-charged capacitor-driven dark-sensing LED driving circuit for low-power high-efficiency operation.
Thanks everyone!
I'm interested in building a project to add glowing indices to a clock that turn on in the dark and run off of a capacitor that is charged by a small solar cell. It will be like a clock with glow-in-the-dark markers except substitute LEDs for phosphorescent paint.
The LEDs therefore only need to turn on in the dark and glow just brightly enough to be seen when it's too dark to read the clock directly. My hope is that with an efficient circuit and small underdriven LEDs it won't need a big solar cell or capacitor.
So, I'm looking for pointers for a starting point for a solar-charged capacitor-driven dark-sensing LED driving circuit for low-power high-efficiency operation.
Thanks everyone!