printing in Eagle

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New Member
I am using Eagle 4.92.1. Is there a way to print out a parts list of the components in a project? I have a few pre-designed projects I want to try in the future. I am putting a shopping list together for digikey (need to get above $32.50) and I was wondering if there was a way of printing the parts list??
Yes in the schematic editor type

run bom

BOM is Bill Of Material. Inside the dialog box you have the choice to list by part nunmber or group by type. You have the option to save to a text file.
Go to the ULP, second button over from the library books. Click on the ULP for BOM (it think it may be the first one). You get a Bill of Materials. Save as either a .bom file or a .txt file. Either format opens with Windows notepad or notebook and can be printed from that. John

Edit: Sorry 3V0, you type faster than me. John
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