Hi there.
I've been playing with a gate opening device that runs on an ESP32 wireless device. Its working fine. It is being powered from a 12V car battery via an LM7805 voltage regulator which provides the 5V that the WiFi microcontroller requires. The ESP32 is controlled by a web page on my phone and when a button is pushed it closes a relay that activates the gate opener.
I've noticed that the LM7805 gets quite hot. Nearly too hot to comfortable hold
To measure the current draw on the setup I put a 25W 8 ohm resistor in series with the circuit and measured the voltage drop across the 8 Ohm resistor at rest and when it was operating. At idle I got 1.2V and when it was angry it was peaking at 2V. This is, if my high school electronics doesn't fail me means a current flow of 150mA to 250 mA
1. Is this a valid way of measuring the current draw of the circuit
2. Is this expected from an LM7805. The microcontroller is supposed to draw about 50 mA. Does the LM7805 consume the rest?
I've been playing with a gate opening device that runs on an ESP32 wireless device. Its working fine. It is being powered from a 12V car battery via an LM7805 voltage regulator which provides the 5V that the WiFi microcontroller requires. The ESP32 is controlled by a web page on my phone and when a button is pushed it closes a relay that activates the gate opener.
I've noticed that the LM7805 gets quite hot. Nearly too hot to comfortable hold
To measure the current draw on the setup I put a 25W 8 ohm resistor in series with the circuit and measured the voltage drop across the 8 Ohm resistor at rest and when it was operating. At idle I got 1.2V and when it was angry it was peaking at 2V. This is, if my high school electronics doesn't fail me means a current flow of 150mA to 250 mA
1. Is this a valid way of measuring the current draw of the circuit
2. Is this expected from an LM7805. The microcontroller is supposed to draw about 50 mA. Does the LM7805 consume the rest?