Pinouts on 9 pin MDA video adaptor

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I am installing a video converter to convert a monochrome CRT to VGA. I already have the MDA plug going to the existing CRT and was going to plug this directly into the video adapter box but now wondering if the terminations are standard enough to just do that or if I need to verify each pin and their outputs? Can I cause damage if something is not right or will it just fail to work? I believe the CRT uses the TTL signal but not sure on voltage.

Their input shows P1, P2 = ground, P3 P/4, P/5 = RGB P8 = H, P9 = V

Just trying to figure out if I can plug right in or build an adapter for this?

Just looked, and appears the CRT uses pins 2 and 6-9, 5 pins total.
Typically the syncs are TTL.
The "video" is analog one volt.

If you are going to have trouble, it will be in timing. VGA is not the same as MDA.
are you sure video converter need you to do above steps? or i can not use video converter? i installed an avi android video converter, i just need to drug my videos into interface and choose my device, then the video can be converted. why do you need to think "their input shows P1, P2 = ground, P3 P/4, P/5 = RGB P8 = H, P9 = V"? so weried
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