Has anyone tried programming the PIC32MX250F128B using a PK4? - I'm trying to do so using the terminal circuit at: https://geoffg.net/terminal.html, well actually the updated USB keyboard version at: https://hackaday.io/project/173216-ascii-video-terminal - I had boards made at JLCPCB as usual.
When I try and program it, I just get "Failed to get Device ID. Please make sure the target device is attached and try the operation again.
Connection Failed." - I've tried it on two PK4's, and two computers (one Win7, one Win10), and power from programmer is turned ON.
I did try it using my ZIF socket PicKit adaptor I build - with the same result - although later investigation showed that this 32MX chip doesn't use the same programming pin's as the 16F/18F 28 pin devices. I was also surprised to see that there's three different pairs of pins that can be used for programming this device, and it (supposedly) accepts which ever one you use.
Luckily, I had socketed the chip - and I have a 28 pin PIC Starter board at home (with an on-board programmer), which accepts this same chip, and I was able to program it using that instead of the PK4. I've not had it connected to a screen yet, but my scope shows a perfectly normal looking video waveform coming out of the composite port.
I even tried programming it with a PK3 (again, two different ones, on different computers), but I couldn't get either PK3 to work, they both fail with the message "The programmer could not be started: Could not connect to tool hardware: PICkit3PlatformTool, com.microchip.mplab.mdbcore.PICKit3Tool.PICkit3DbgToolManagerConnection Failed.". Google shows this to be a common issue.
When I try and program it, I just get "Failed to get Device ID. Please make sure the target device is attached and try the operation again.
Connection Failed." - I've tried it on two PK4's, and two computers (one Win7, one Win10), and power from programmer is turned ON.
I did try it using my ZIF socket PicKit adaptor I build - with the same result - although later investigation showed that this 32MX chip doesn't use the same programming pin's as the 16F/18F 28 pin devices. I was also surprised to see that there's three different pairs of pins that can be used for programming this device, and it (supposedly) accepts which ever one you use.
Luckily, I had socketed the chip - and I have a 28 pin PIC Starter board at home (with an on-board programmer), which accepts this same chip, and I was able to program it using that instead of the PK4. I've not had it connected to a screen yet, but my scope shows a perfectly normal looking video waveform coming out of the composite port.
I even tried programming it with a PK3 (again, two different ones, on different computers), but I couldn't get either PK3 to work, they both fail with the message "The programmer could not be started: Could not connect to tool hardware: PICkit3PlatformTool, com.microchip.mplab.mdbcore.PICKit3Tool.PICkit3DbgToolManagerConnection Failed.". Google shows this to be a common issue.